Ch. 20 Getting signed

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It’s been 6 more months.  Harry and I are still dating, Mckala and Blake are also still dating, and Sophia and Nathan are dating. The twins are 7 months old now and can crawl.  My dance/singing is going good.   Today was Saturday so no school.  Also Christmas was a week ago.

I was currently sitting on the couch in the living room, the twins were in their playpen and Sophia was out with Nathan.

“Liv” I turned to see Perrie standing behind the couch.

“Yes?” I asked.

“I’m going on tour soon, but that’s not what I wanted to tell you” Perrie said.

“Simon wants to sign you to a record deal” Perrie finished.

“No way seriously” I squealed jumping off of the couch and hugging Perrie.

“Seriously he wants to meet with you today, also I won’t be there I have rehearsals” Perrie said. 

“Well you need to leave now” Perrie said I nodded. I got up and grabbed the twins.  “Be back later” I said, I walked out of the house and put the twins in their car seats in my car.  I got behind the wheel and started the engine up.

I soon arrived at the building, I got out and grabbed the twins.  I walked in and the lady at the front desk told me to go to floor 3 where his office was.

I walked into Simons’ office with the twins and he told me to take a seat. 

“So I want to sign you to a record deal” Simon said.

“And I want you to go on a tour in a week” Simon added.

“By myself?” I asked.

“Not exactly you will have a body guard, a baby sitter that I hired to go with you, a tutor, and you can bring one friend” Simon said.

“I’ll do it” I said.

“Great, see you at the airport in a week, you’ll be flying private jet” Simon said. 

After my meeting with Simon I drove to Harry’s.  I knocked on the door and Harry answered.  “Hey babe” he said.

“Hey” I said.

“What’s wrong?”Harry asked.

“Well I got signed to a record deal and go on tour in a week, but I can only bring one friend and I don’t know who to choose” I said.

“I’ll miss you so much” Harry said, I kissed him on the lips.  We pulled away and I said “Harry I’ll be gone a lot now and you need a girlfriend who will be around a lot” I said.

“NO I only want you” Harry said.

“I know I love you, but this is for the best I’m really sorry” I said, I kissed his cheek and then got back in my car.

I drove back to my house, I got the twins out and I walked inside. Sophia was sitting on the couch and nobody else was home.

“Hey girl” I said, I sat the twins down on the floor and sat beside Sophia.

“Hey” she mumbled.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Me and Nathan had sex about a month ago” she blurted out.

“NO way” I shouted.

“Yea” she said.

“So why are you so down in the dumps?” I asked her.

“Because he just told me that he cheated on me with Brooke” Sophia sniffled.

“I’ll kill her, come on they had practice today” I said, I grabbed the twins. Me and Sophia got in my car and I put the twins in their car seats.

We arrived at the dance studio “can you get the twins I have business to take care of” I said, Sophia nodded and got the twins out. I walked into the practice room, the whole team was in there dancing, I walked right up to Brooke and dragged her to the side.

“What the hell” Brooke yelled.

“Don’t what the hell me, I should be saying what the hell to you” I said.

“What did I do” Brooke asked.

“Brooke don’t play dumb with me” I spat.

“I’m not playing dumb” Brooke said.

“Oh yea you don’t play dumb, you are dumb” I said.

“Seriously what did I do?” Brooke asked.

“You helped Nathan cheat on Sophia” I yelled.

“Oh yea I did do that” Brooke said.

“You’re a disgusting slut” I said.

“Why are you yelling at me, shouldn’t  Sophia be yelling at me” Brooke said.

“She’s shy” I said.

“Listen you can hurt me all you want but don’t mess with my family or friends” I said.

“Woah ladies what’s going on” Ashley asked.

I backed away from Brooke “nothing I was just leaving” I said walking towards the door.

“Also I quit” I said walking out the door. Sophia put the twins in the car and then got in the passenger side.  I started the car up and drove out of the parking lot.

“Thanks” Sophia said.

“Hey, what’s family for” I said, we arrived at the house and got out, I got the twins out and we walked inside, I set the twins down.  “Hey Soph, I’m going to run over to Mckala’s for a second, will you watch the twins?” I asked Sophia.

“Of course” she smiled. I walked next door and knocked on the door, Mckala answered.

“Hey Mac” I exclaimed.

“Hey Liv” she said.

“I got signed  to a record deal” I said.

“That’s so amazing” Mckala squealed.

“I can bring one friend, you won’t mind if I take Sophia right?” I asked her.

“Of course not” she said.

“Thanks” I said hugging her.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now