Ch. 47 Where Are Mia and Mya?

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*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I woke up with a major headache. Where was I?  I looked beside me and Holly was still asleep and we were both tied up.  I think we're in the back of a van.  

"Awh look who finally woke up, Adam go back there" I heard my 'mom' say.  Adam climbed in the back and sat across from me and Holly.

"We have some other people helping us, come on back here" Adam said, I saw Josh climb into the back. 

"Nice to see you again" Josh smirked.

"What do you not talk?" Josh asked.

"Talk to me bitch" Josh screamed he scooted over and slapped mt e across the face, I cried out in pain.  I felt Holly start to stir beside me and then her eyes opened.

"Now the other one's awake" Adam smirked and scooted closer to Holly, she looked scared.

"Leave her alone" I yelled.

"And what if I don't?" Adam asked.

"It's me you want not her, I don't care what you do to me just please don't hurt her" I begged.

"I'll do what I want to bitch" Adam spat.

"Can you please untie us, what are we going to do jump out of the van?" I asked Adam.

"Fine" Adam grumbled, he undid mine and Holly's feet and hands.  

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know" Joshd mirked.

"I would like to know actually" I said.

Josh was about to slap me but Adam stopped him "we don't want to kill her" he said.

"We're going some place far away from California, we're actually almost there" Adam said.

The van came to a stop and Adam got out a rag and roped "Please don't I promice we won't try to run" I said.

"Fine" Adam said.  The back was opened and Adam pushed me and Holly out and into this house.

"Sit on the couch" My 'mom'  demanded/  Me and Holly sat on the couch.

"Okay we did our job, do what you want with the sluts" my 'dad' saiid, him and my 'mom' walked out of the house and I heard a car start and drive off.

"Okay listen here sluts, there are rules.  1. never try to run 2. never talk back and 3. do what we say" Adam said.

"Where are my kids?" I asked.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know" Adam smirked, I jumped up and tackled him to the ground.

"Where are they" I yelled in his face, I was yanked off of him by Josh.

"Take her to the bedroom, I need to teach her a lessen" Adam smirked.  

"No please don't, I won't do it again please" I started crying.

"Fine since it's your first day back I won't do anything but if this happens again, well you know what will happen" Adam said, Josh threw me to the ground and Adam kicked me in the stomach.

"Now, I'll show you to your room" Adam said, I stood up and me and Holly followed him into a room.

"There are clothes in the closet and anything you two might need in the bathroom" Adam said.

"I'll call you down for supper" Adam said walking out of the room, I shut the door and Holly broke down crying,  I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Shhh it'll be fine" I whispered.

"How do you know" she snapped, I let go of her and sat on the bed.

"Because this is my third time being kidnapped" I said.

"Oh I'mso sorry I didn't mean too" Holly said.

"It's okay, I was like you the first time I was kidnapped but now I don't care what they do to me, as long as my friends and family don't get hurt I'm okay" I said.

Holly stood up and sat beside me.  "We'll make it through this" I said.

"I've gotten out before I can get out again" I added.

"SUPPER SLUTS" I heard Adam yell.

"Come on" I said to Holly, we got up and walked downstairs and into the dining room,  "I'm not hungry, can I go back up to my room?" I asked.

"No you will eat" Adam said standing up.

"I said I'm not hungry" I was standing my ground.

"Eat" Adam yelled in my face, he slapped me and I cried out in pain.  he kicked me in the stomach and I fell to the ground, he kept kicking me all over.

"Stop" Holly yelled.

"What did you say to me" Adam spun around.

"N-n-nothing" Holly stutered. 

"I'll teach her a lessen" Josh said grabbing Holly and walking away, Adam went back to kicking and puching me.

"Please stop" I begged.

"What did you say I can't hear you" Adam said and kept kicking me.

"Stop" I yelled, tears were streaming down my face and I hurt all over.

"Go get cleaned up, I hope I taught you a lessen" Adam smirked and kicked me one last time before walking away.  I slowly got up, I was hurting all over.

I finally made it to the room and collasped on the bed. I was still hurting. The door opened and in walked Holly with Josh.  

Josh sat on the bed and I fliniched.  "Don't worry he won't hurt you" Holly said.

"Can I help clean you up?" Josh asked, I quickly shook my head no.

"Come on I need to get you cleaned up so the cuts don't get infected" Josh said.  I shook my head again.

"Come on, I promice I won't hurt you" Josh said standing up, I carefully got up and followed him into the bathroom, he set me on the counter and he got the first aid kit out. I flinished when he touched my face.

"Lift up your shirt" Josh said, i shook my head no. Josh sighed and said "just enough so I can see your stomach" Josh said, I carefully lifted my shirt off so he could see my stomach.  My stomach was black and blue.

"I need to feel around and make sure nothing is brokn is that okay?" Josh asked, I nodded my head yes.

I flinished in pain when he touched my ribs.  "I think that you have a broken rib, I'm going to wrap it up" Josh said, i nodded and josh wrapped some gauze around my ribs.  He stopped and I let my shirt fall.

"Don't walk for a few days" Josh said, I nodded and Josh carried me and laid me on the bed and then covered me up.

"I'm really sorry about this" Josh said.

"Holly is sleeping in my room, I'll turn on the TV and leave you alone" Josh said handing me the remote and turning the TV on.  They left and I turned the TV to American Horror Story. 

Where are Mia and Mya? is the only think that kept replaying in my mind.

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