Ch. 30 Alley

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The next day I really didn’t want to go to school, but I knew I had to, today was Friday and tomorrow was the big show, I had a solo and was singing Roar by Katy Perry.

I finally got out of bed and got dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt.  I put on a little makeup and threw my hair in a messy bun. I walked into the twins’ room and changed their diapers.  I got them dressed in black long sleeve dresses with white legging.

I carried them into the kitchen and set them in their highchairs.  I made the twins each a pancake and let them feed themselves, I wasn’t hungry.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Sophia asked me. “I’ve been better, I’m going to go ahead and go, see you at school” I said.

“Okay” Sophia said, I picked the twins up out of their highchairs and carried them out to my car. I put them in their car seats and I got behind the wheel.

I pulled up in at the nursery and got out; I got the twins and their diaper bag out and walked inside.  I said my hello and then walked back out to my car.

“I was about to open the door to my car when I heard someone say “I heard about Harry cheating on you” I turned around and saw Adam standing there.

“Are you following me or something?” I asked him.

“Oh wouldn’t you like to know” he smirked.

“What do you want?” I asked him.

“Like I told you yesterday I want you” he said.

“Well than why don’t you just take me again like you did last time?” I asked frustrated.

“Well what would be the fun in that?  I want to make you suffer and when the times right I will hurt you like no one ever has” he said.

“Have a horrible day” he added and walked away. 

Still shaking with fear I opened my door and got in my car.  I drove over to the school and walked inside. I took my seat beside Sophia “Woah, Olivia are you okay?” Alley asked.

“Just peachy” I said sarcastically.

“What’s wrong?” Alley asked again.

“Oh nothing my boyfriend well ex now just cheated on my yesterday but I’m okay don’t worry about me” I said.

“I know what you’re going through my boyfriend cheated on me a week ago, come over to my place after school and I’ll gel you get over it” Alley said.

“Thanks, but you know I have two kids right?” I asked her.

“Bring them with you” she said.

“Thanks” I smiled.

After school I meat Alley by my car “I’ll drive over to the nursery, you get your babies and then follow me to my house” she said.

“Sounds like a plan” I said, I already told Sophia that I was going over to Alley’s after school.  I parked at the nursery and walked in. I got my girls and their diaper bag and walked back out to my car.  I put them in their car seats and then I got in the driver side and followed Alley to her house.

I got out and got the twins out “oh yea and I have a son” she said. 

We walked inside her house and I set Mia and Mya down.  There was a little boy playing with a man. The man looked up and I instantly knew who it was.

“Niall?” I asked.

“Liv?” he ran and gave me a hug.  I hugged him back.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“Well Alley called me up a month ago and told me that Jake was my son” Niall said.

“And we decided to make it work between us” Alley added.

“Awh how cute” I said.

“But wait, I thought you said your boyfriend cheated on you a week ago?” I asked her.

“Oh he did and I’m still devastated, but Niall helps a lot” Alley said.

“How are you and Harry?” Niall asked.

“Um… Harry cheated on me yesterday” I said.

“Oh I’m so sorry” Niall apologized

“It’s okay” I smiled.

“Where did my kids go?” I asked Alley.

“With Jake to his room, their fine don’t worry” Alley said, I nodded.

“You can sit” Niall said. I sat down on the couch.  I forgot that my phone was still off so I turned it on.  I had 20 missed calls and 50 messages all from Harry. I groaned and cut my phone back off.

“So what do you want to do?” I asked them.

“Well I know what will make you feel better” Alley said opening the fridge and showing me all the ice cream she had.

“Cookie dough please” I said.

“That’s my favorite to” Alley laughed, she handed me a tub of cookie dough ice cream and a spoon.  I started digging in.

“Liv, this is the most sugar that I’ve ever seen you eat” Niall laughed.

“When a girls sad she drowns her sorrows in ice cream and romantic movies so shut up Niall” Alley said.

“First we’re watching The Notebook” Alley said.

“Well, I’ll go play with the kids” Niall said and Alley laughed. 

About halfway through the movie there was a knock on the door “I got it” Niall yelled and opened the door.  Harry walked in.  Wait why was he here?

“Look what you did to her Harry, you don’t deserve her” I heard Niall say.

“You broke her even more than she already was” Niall added.

“I know” I heard Harry say.

“Don’t talk to her, just follow me to my room” Niall said, they both walked past me and into a room.

When The Notebook ended Alley put Titanic in.

At the end of Titanic I decided to head hoe “thanks this helped a lot” I said.

“No problem” Alley smiled.

“see you tomorrow” I said.

“Okay” she said.

“Mia Mya” I called to them, they walked out of a room, I picked them up and carried them out to my car, I put them in their car seats and I got behind the wheel.  I drove back to my house.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now