Ch. 9 Skylar, Mackenzie, Becca

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Me and Perrie had already packed and were now on our way to Jade’s house.  I already called Nathan, Mckala, and Blake. Their parents all said yes and Perrie was picking them up at 8 tomorrow.  Perrie turned the radio up and I instantly knew this song, it was “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus.

I started to sing along.  When the song ended, Perrie cut the radio and turned to look at me.  “Was I that bad?” I asked.

“NO” Perrie yelled.

“You’re amazing” she squealed just as we pulled up in front of this house, I mean mansion.  “Come on get your stuff out” Perrie laughed.

I got out and grabbed my bags.  Perrie walked to the door and knocked, I followed her.  A beautiful woman about the same age as Perrie answered the door, this must be Jade.

“Come on in, you must be Olivia, let me show both of you to your rooms” Jade said. She showed me to my room and I put all of my clothes in the huge walk in closet,

I walked back down to the living room where Perrie, Jade, and Skylar were? “Olivia this i-“Jade started, me and Skylar ran and hugged each other.

“Omg I can’t believe you’re actually here right now” I squealed.

“Me either” Skylar squealed.  “I can’t believe he cheated on me” I heard Perrie say.

“Wait Zayn cheated on you?” I asked sitting beside Perrie on the couch.

“Yes and we are never getting back together” Perrie said.

“I’m so sorry” I said.

“It’s okay” Perrie said.

“Did you tell Jade about me?” I whispered in Perrie’s ear and Perrie shook her head.

“I wanted you to tell her” Perrie said, I nodded and stood up.

“I need to tell both of you something” I said, looking at Skylar and Jade.

“Well about a week ago I was r-r-r” I couldn’t finish I broke down into sobs, Perrie came up behind me and rubbed my back.

“I was r-r-raped and now I’m p-p-pregnant” I finally choked out, Jake and Skylar both rushed up to me and pulled me into a hug.

After thirty minutes of non stop crying I pulled away from, Perrie, Jade, and Skylar.

“I need some alone time” I said walking up to my new room, I flopped down on my bed and cried some more.

The next day I woke up and looked in the mirror.  I looked horrible I most of cried myself to sleep, my eyes were puffy and my cheeks were tear stained. 

I honestly didn’t care what I looked like today, I put a little bit of makeup on, it was still warm out so I put blue jean bootie shorts and a blue crop top on.  I slipped some blue toms on and then threw my hair up in a messy bun.

I walked downstairs were everyone was.  “Hey Liv” Skylar chirped.  “Hi” I whispered.

“Are you feeling okay?” Perrie asked.

“Yea” I whispered.

“Do you want anything to eat?” Jade asked, I shook my head.

“Come on, for the baby” Perrie begged, I grabbed an apple and ate it.  “Happy?” I asked.

“Ecstatic” Perrie said, I finished the apple and threw the core away.  “Come on you both have school” Jade said.

“Wait Jade you have to take Skylar, Liv’s friends are coming remember” Perrie said.              

“Oh yea, see you there” Jade sad.

“Okay’ Perrie said and me and we walked out and got in her car.  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Perrie asked me, I nodded.

We soon arrived at Mckala’s house and out came a happy Mckala, she got in the car and then we drove to Nathan’s and Blake’s house, they both got in the car.  “Hey babe” Nathan said.

“Hi” I whispered.

We pulled up outside of this building.  “It’s the studio, while I’m working you will be in class, you get out at 1, also I signed you up for singing and dancing classes” Perrie said, I nodded and we all got out of the car.

I walked up to Nathan; he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers.  We followed Perrie into this room where Skylar and two other people were.  “Liv, this is Mackenzie and this is Becca” Perrie introduced me to two beautiful girls.

“See you at 1 meet me upstairs first door to your right” Perrie said, I nodded and me, Nathan, Mckala, and Blake walked into the room.

“Hey Liv” Becca chirped.

“Hi” I whispered.

“What you don’t talk?” Mackenzie laughed.

“Hey you don’t know what she’s been through” Nathan defended me.

“This fat ass probably hasn’t been through anything” Mackenzie laughed, Skylar and Becca also laughed.  I felt tears coming to my eyes.

“Oh now the slut’s gonna cry boohoo” Skylar laughed, Becca and Mackenzie laughed too.

“She has been through way more than any of you” Nathan said.

“Like what, she’s just a fat ass slut” Becca said.

I couldn’t take it anymore I ran out of that room and into the bathroom. I sat my back against the door and cried.

I wiped my eyes and walked out of the bathroom I saw Mckala walking towards me, I just walked past her and up to the second floor.  I went in the first door on the right I saw Perrie, Jade, two other girls in there.

“Liv what’s wrong?” Perrie asked walking up to me.

“I want to go home, my real home where the guys are I hate it here; I want to go back to public school. I wish I was never adopted and everything was like it used to be I hate it here” I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks.

“You don’t mean that” Perrie said.

“Oh but I do, if you never adopted me, I never would’ve met Matthew and I never would have got raped and I wouldn’t be pregnant.  But all of that happened when you adopted me” I yelled tears still streaming down my face.  Perrie’s face looked hurt.

She wrapped her arms around me and I cried into her chest.  “Perrie I didn’t mean what I just said” I said.

“Shhh I know, its okay” she said.  I pulled away and wiped my eyes. “I guess I should be in class” I said, Perrie nodded I walked back downstairs and into the class room.  The teacher was now in there, I sat in-between Nathan and Mckala, Blake was on the other side of Mckala. 

“Glad you could join us Olivia, I’m Mrs. Brown” Mrs. Brown said, I nodded.


A/N That's Rebecca (Becca) on the side

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now