Ch. 36 Breaking Point

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The next day I woke up, I looked down to see Olivia fast asleep. The door opened and Niall popped his head in "you have scholl" he said.

"Shit" I cursed.

"Be right there" I said.

"Wait who's staying with her?" I asked Niall.

"Sopha and Mckala" Niall said, I nodded and Niall left the room.  I gently nudged Olivia and her eyes shot open.

"Liv I have school so I have to go" I said, I saw fear flash through her eyes,

"Sophia and Mckala will be here, you're safe you'll be fine" I said, she moved off of my chest and I stood up.

"I'll be home as soon as possible" I said kissing the top of her head.

*Olivia's P.O.V.*

"I'll be home as soon as possible" Harry said kissing the top of my head and exiting the room.

Sophia walked in with a plate, on the plate was one peice of toast.  "You can't eat too much or you'll get sick" Sophia said, I nodded and took a bite of the toast.

"How are you doing" Sophia asked me, I just started at her and curled up into a ball on the bed, I heard Sophia sigh and walk away, closing the door on her way out.  

*Sophia's P.O.V.*

 I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch beside Mckala.  "How is she?" Mckala asked.

"Not good, I asked how she was and she just curled up into a ball' I said. 

"It's just gooing to take time" Mckala said.

"I know" I sighed.

I heard crying so I got up and walked into the twins room, Olivia was in there.  She was changing Mia's diaper and then she set Mia down and changed Mya's diaper. Then she set Mya down and walked past me and out of the room. Probably to go back to her room.

The twins were playing but I had to feed them so I picked them up and walked into the kitchen, I set them in their highchairs and let them feed  themselves pancakes and bacon.

*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I was awoken by the sound of my door opening, I looked up and saw Harry walk in. "Hey Liv" he said.  I just stared at him.

"Want to come into the living room?" Harry asked, I quickly shook my head no.

"Why don't you take a shower, I'll be back to check on you soon" Harry said, he walked away and I got up.  I went into my bathroom and started the water, I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower.

After I washed my body and hair I took my razo and made 7 cuts on my wrist, when the water hit them it stung a little.  I got out and wrapped a towel around my body, I got my bandaids oo, i put bandaids over the cuts and walked out of the bathroom.

I made sre that my door was locked and I walked over to the closet.  I grabbed a sweatshirt and yoga pants to put on.

I unlocked the door and climed into my bed, I curled up in my little ball and just stayed like that.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

After checking on Olivia I walked into the living room where everyone was. "How is she?" Niall asked me.

"Well I asked her to come in here and she shookher head, so I told her to take a shower and I would be in there shortly to checkon her" I said.

"So no better?" Niall asked.

"No better" I sighed.

I sat on the floor next to Blake and Natthan.  "I hope she starts to talk soon" Mckala said.

"Me too, but it's probably going to take forever she's scared to death" I said.

"Before all of this she was so bubbly and so happy" Mckala said.

"That just shows you what being raped and kidnapped will do" Blake said.

"Well let me go check on her" I said getting up, I walked into her room and she was curled up in a ball on top of the bed.  I knew she was awake.

I sat on the bed beside and she fliniched a little but then saw me and scooted over to me. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she just stared at me.

"Well do you want to go in the living room with me?" I asked her and again she just stared at me.

"Come on let's go" I said.  I stood up and grabbed Olivia's hand, she held my hand all the way into the living room, when we walked in everyone stared, Olivia let go of my hand and ran back into her room.

"Well at least I tried" I said.

"It's okay" Niall said, I sat down on the floor beside Nathan and Blake.  When we heard a scream, we all jumed up and ran to Olivia's room, she was sitting in the middle of the floor screaming and crying.

"Leave her" I said.

"This must be her breaking point" Niall said.

"We can't do anything she has to get through this" I said.

"Mac Soph go check on the twins" Niall said. Mckala and Sophia went into the twins room.

*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I got up from my bead and sat in the middle of the floor.  I started screaming and the tears came. I was letting all the tears that I have been holding in fall down my cheeks.  I picked up anything that was within my reach and started to throw it.  

I stood up and stopped screaming. I was still crying though I feel back to the floor and started sobbing uncontrolably. I felt two arms wrap around me, but I flinched away and they let go.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

She fell to the floor and started sobbing, I walked over and wrapped my arms around her,but she flinched, so I let go.

*Olivia's P.O.V*

I heard everybody leave my room, I got up and walked into the bathroom. I took my razir and rolled my sleeves up, I cut right along my wrist and it started to bleed heavily.  I want to die.

I heard banging on the bathroom door but I just ignored it "Liv open up" I heard Harry yell.

"Liv" I heard Niall yell, next thing I knew was the door being busted through and NIall and Harry walking over to me.

"Call the ambulance" Harry yelled.  The last thing I saw before everything wet black was a very scared looking Harry.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I heard the sirens in the distance, I picked Olivia up and carried her out to he ambulance. They took her from me and put her on a stretcher.  I let a few tears fall down my face and felt Niall rub my back.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital" Niall said.  We got in his car and drove to the hospital.  

I sat in a chair in the waiting area "she's in surgery" NIall said sitting beside me, soon everyone was here. This is all my falt, I should've stayed in there with her.  She could die and it's all my fault.

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