Ch. 43 Talent Show

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Today is Saturday and the day of the talent show, I had a meeting with Simon, he said that Mckala and Holly could go on tour with me and Holly could bring Matthew.  I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, Harry was in there making breakfast.

"Hey babe, I'm going to hop in the shower, when they wake up can you change them for me?" I asked Harry.

"Of course" Harry said.

"Thanks" I said pecking his lips and walking back in to my room and in to my bathroom.

After my shower I got dressed in a white strapless dress, it ended at mid thigh and had sequins all over. Mckala was going to be wearing the same dress except in Black. 

I put on some makeup and curled my long dirty blonde hair.  I walked out and Harry was sitting on the couch with the twins in his lap.

"Finally you're ready" Harry laughed.

"Harry can I ask you something?" I asked him.

"Sure babe ask away" Harry said.

"Are you mad that I can't have babies anymore and you may never have biological children?" I asked Harry.

"I wouldn't say mad, I mean I am mad at the people that did this to you.  I am a little sad, but as long as we're together I don't care.  We will raise these two angels together, no matter who's the biological father.  I love them with all my heart" Harry said.

"I love you Harry Edward Styles" I said.

"I love you Olivia Marie Young" Harry said, I stood up and bent down, I kissed Harry on the lips and then pulled away, I sat back beside him and picked Mia up, I put her in my lap.

There was a knock on the door, I stood up and picked Mia up, I went and opened the door, it was Mckala and Blake. "You look sexy" she exclaimed.

"So do you" I said.

"Well we need to go soon" Mckala said.

"Okay one sec" I said, I walked into the living room and set Mia on Harry's lap beside Mya.  "I have to go" I said.

"I'll be sittig right in the front row with Mia and Mya" Harry said.

"Okay see you then" I smiled kissing his lips.  

"Bye babies, see you soon" I said kissing them both on their forehead.  "Bye mommy" they both said.

"Okay come on" I said, me and Mckala walked out to my car and got in.

"Hey Mac, I've been thinking about this tour" I said starting up the car.

"We go on tour in a week" I said.

"I know and I'm excited" Mckala said.

"I know me too, but you're pregnant" I said.

"Okay and?" Mckala asked.

"Well how does Blake feel about this?" I asked.

"Well he didn't like it, but I convised him to let me go" Mckala said.

"What if you go into labor while we're gone?" I asked.

"Well then I'll tell Blake to fly out where ever we are" Mckala said.

"I just worryy about things like this" I said.

"I know you do and you need to stop" Mckala laughed.

"I'll try" I laughed.

We were now about to go on and let me tell you I was nervous "Mac I'm like shaking" I said.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now