Ch. 7 Hospital

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We started walking down the sidewalk in silence “where are we going” I finally spoke up.

“You’ll see” Nathan said.

He put a blindfold over my eyes and helped me walk. “YOU BETTER NOT RAPE ME I HAVE A PHONE AND I WILL CALL 499” I yelled.

“Oh shut up, I’m not gonna rape you, we’re here anyway” Nathan said as he took my blindfold off.  We were at that pond in the woods; there were candles on lilipads in the water and a picnic blanket and basket right beside the water.

“Do you like it?” Nathan nervously asked.

“No” I said, Nathan’s face fell.

“I love it” I smiled.

“Well sit, sit” Nathan said and I sat down on the blanket across from Nathan.

We made small talk for a while and then there was a silence. I started leaning in and I saw Nathan start leaning in, soon our lips met. It was a nice slow kiss.  We pulled away and Nathan said “I think I should get you home, I’ll come back and clean up later” Nathan said, I nodded and we both got up.

We walked hand in hand back to my house and Nathan walked me up to the door “I had a nice time” I smiled.

“Me too” Nathan said,I smiled again.

“See you tomorrow at school” I said.

“Okay” Nathan said, I pecked him on the lips and then walked inside.  I walked into the living room and everyone was in there, Eleanor, Danielle, and Abby were also in there.

“So how’d it go” Eleanor squealed.

“Good” I said.

“Just good?” Danielle asked.

“Fine it was awesome” I said.

“Did you two kiss?” Abby asked, I looked down and blushed.

“You did” Eleanor yelled.

“Yes we did” I said.

“Awh how cute” Danielle cooed.


The next day I woke up, got ready then Harry took me to school. Mckala got her brother to take her today.

I was walking to my first block when I was thrown against the lockers; I looked up and saw Matthew.

“What do you want Matthew” I spat.

“Well fat ass I want you, meet me in the alley by the school after school” Matthew said.

“And what if I don’t?” I asked.

“You don’t want to find out, just be there” he sneered and let go of me. I quickly walked into class.


School ended to fast, I was scared out of my mind at what Matthew was going to do to me, I said bye to Mckala then walked to the Alley.  I kept walking until I was slammed against the brick wall; I cried out in pain.  I looked up and saw Matthew.

“Caleb hand me the duct tape” Matthew said, Caleb came out of the dark and handed Matthew the tape. Matthew put the tape over my mouth so I couldn’t call for help.

“Take you shirt off” Matthew demanded, I shook my head.  “Do it” he yelled in my face and smacked me as hard as he could, I took my shirt off and Matthew unclasped my bra, he let it drop and I tried to cover myself up.

“Well this won’t do” he said, he grabbed my hands and tied them behind my back.  He pulled down my shorts and underwear.  I was just standing here naked while Matthew and Caleb stared at my body.

I saw Matthew take his shirt off and then pull his ants and boxers down; oh no this can’t be happening.


I was just raped by Matthew, Matthew just took my virginity.  He untied my hands and him and Caleb kicked my stomach a few times then he took the duct tape off my mouth and bent down so his mouth was at my ear.

“Tell anybody about this and I will kill you, oh and nice body by the way” Matthew then took out a knife and cut both my arms and legs and then stomach.  He then walked away. I was in so much pain.  I quickly put all of my clothes back on.  It even hurt to walk; I didn’t even make it out of the alley way before I fell to the ground.

Olivia: Harry please help, I’m in the alley near school, please hurry

As soon as I pressed send everything went black.

*Harry’s P.O.V*

I waited out by my car for 30 minutes and Olivia never came out, hmm she must of took the bus. I decided to just go home.

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch beside Niall.

It’s been another hour and still no sign of Olivia.  “Guys where’s Olivia” I said just as I felt my phone vibrate it was Olivia.

Olivia: Harry please help, I’m in the alley near school, please hurry

“Guys I think I just found her and we need to hurry” I said.  Everyone jumped up.

We all got in my car, I parked in my usual spot and took off running for the alley, the boys hot on my trail. 

I walked into the alley and saw a body, I got closer and it wasn’t just any body it was Olivia, I ran up to her and saw that she wasn’t moving.  I checked her pulse and she barely had one.

“Guys call 499” I yelled, Liam took out his phone and dialed the number.  Soon there was an ambulance and Olivia was lifted onto a gurney.  Me and the guys all ran and got in my car and sped off to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital I ran to the front desk “Olivia Young” I said.

“Room 340, she should wake up any minute” the front desk lady said, I nodded and we all took off towards her room. I walked in and what I saw shocked me this wasn’t Olivia.  This was a pale ghost with bandages on her legs and arms.

“I should’ve been there for her” I said, I slumped down in the chair beside her bed. “No it isn’t you didn’t know” Liam said.

I must have fallen asleep because I was awoken by someone saying my name; I looked up and saw Olivia staring at me.

“Are you okay” I asked concerned.

“Yes Harry I’m fine” Olivia said just as the door opened and in walked a nurse.

“Nice to see your awake Ms. Young” the nurse said.

“Please call me Olivia” Olivia said.

“Well Olivia may I speak to you alone for a minute?” the nurse asked, Olivia looked nervous but nodded, me and the guys walked in the waiting room to see Nathan and Mckala here.  We called Zayn and Perrie, Perrie stated crying and Zayn freaked out.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now