Ch. 45 First Concert

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A/N: Picture of what Olivia wears to her first concert is on the side 


Today is Monday and the day of my first concert, I am freaking out. I took a shower, since Holly was watching the kids.  I got out and wrapped a towel around my body I did my makeup and curled my hair and then I got dressed. 

I walked into the living room area, the kids faces were glued to the TV and Holly was sitting on the couch.

"You look amazing" Holly exclaimed when she saw me, there was a knock on the door, I opened the door. It was Mckala, Sabrina, and Savanna.

"OMG Liv you look hot" Mckala exclaimed.

"Thanks" I laughed.

"So do you want to come in?" I asked.

"Sure" Sabrina said, I moved out of the way and they all walked in.

"Who that" Mya asked.

"Mya, Mia remember Sabrina and Savanna from the other night?" I asked.

"Hewwo. Sabwina Hewwo Savannna" Mia said.

"Awe" Savanna and Sabrina cooed.  I smiled.

"Well we have to go soon" I said.

"We know that's why we're all ready" Mckala said.

"True" I smiled, 

We soon had to leave, I picked the twins up and we all walked out to the limo.  We all got in, the concert was about an hour away,

"Are you excited?" Mckala asked me.

"Yes, but I'm also really nervous" I said.

"You'll do fine, you're an amazing singer" Holly said.

"Awe thanks Hol-bear" I smiled.

"No problem" Holly said.

An hour later we arrived at the place where the concert was going to be.  There were fans outside, I got out and got the twins out, we all made our way through the crowed and into the building.

"Well that was interesting" Mckala laughed, I looked down and noticed that Mia and Mya were crying.

"Shh babies it's okay there's nobody else around" I said rocking them back and forth, they stopped crying and I sighed in releif.

I was now currently back stage, Mia and Mya were with Mckala, Sabrina, Savanna, Holly, and Matthew.  Front row seats.

"You're on" the stagge manager said, I took a deep breathe and walked out onto the stage.  I looked at the people, the stadium was packed, I looked at the first row and saw Mia, Mya, Sabrina, Savanna, Mckala, Holly, and Matthew, I smiled.

I took another deep breath and walked up to the microphone "Hey guys, this is my first concert so bear with me"

"How many of you know the song We Can't Stop?" I asked, the crowed erupted in cheers, the music started and I took a deep breath before singing.

At the end of the song, the crowed cheered.  'This next song goes to my amanzing boyfriend, this song is called L.O.V.E"

"ok, maybe this is the day that I have to write a song about love

its about time

L.O. L.O. L.O. L.O.V.E. Love

I said I'd never write a song about love

but when it feels this good

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now