Ch. 3 Nathan?

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The next day I woke up at 8:30 took a shower then got ready.  I walked out of my room and Zayn and Perrie weren’t here.  I went down to the first floor and that’s where everyone was.

“Alright I’m gone oh yea Perrie can I have some money?” I asked, she nodded and handed me a credit card?!

“It’s yours, we have a lot of money with me being in a band so here spend as much as you want” Perrie said, I nodded and put the credit card in my wallet.

“Thanks” I smiled.

“No problem, do you want me to drive you?” Perrie asked.

“Um no thanks, I know where it is I’ll just walk” I said.

“Okay be back soon” Perrie said.

“Okay I will bye Zayn” I said and hugged him goodbye, I walked out of the house and down to Starbucks.  When I walked in I spotted Blake in a booth.  I walked over and sat in front of him.

“I got you an iced latté” Blake said.

“Awesome I love iced latté’s” I smiled and took a sip of the drink.

“So how’s it going?” he asked.

“Good actually, I haven’t had anymore run-ins with Harry yet which is a good thing” I said.

“Well that’s great” he said.

“Yea, so how’s life?” I asked.

“Well actually I found out I have a twin but my mother gave him up when he was a baby, then he switched orphanages and I just now found him, he lives n California and my mom flew out and adopted him, they get here at one today” Blake said.

“That’s so cool, what’s his name?” I asked.

“Nathan” he said and I almost choked on my latté. 

“Parker?” I asked.

“Yea” Blake said.    

“I know him” I almost yelled.

“Really how?” Blake asked.

“Well he came to Agatha’s home for boys and girls a week after I did and we’ve been best friends ever since” I said.

“That’s awesome, do you want to come with me to the airport, my Grandma is taking me?” Blake asked.

“I would love too” I smiled.

We talked another two hours and then I called Zayn to ask if I could go with him.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now