Ch. 11 Babies

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It’s been six months now, I’m still with Nathan and Blake and Mckala are still together.  I’ve gotten closer to the team, but I only sing now because I have this huge stomach now.  Today I go to the doctor to find out the sex of the baby.

“Come on Liv” Perrie called up to me.

“Coming” I yelled back, I was putting on a little makeup, we still lived with Jade and Skylar except I hate Skylar, her, Mackenzie, and Becca always make fun of me.

I was wearing a white jumper and black leggings.  I walked downstairs and me and Perrie left.

I was currently sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for him to come back.  “Is the baby okay” I almost jumped out of my seat when he walked in.

“Yes the babies are fine” the doctor said.

“Well that’s g- wait did you say babies as in two?” I asked.

“I did indeed say babies you’re having twins” the doctor said, twins I thought one would be hard now twins oh great.

“What is the sex?” I asked.

“Two girls” the doctor said.  I nodded, the doctor dismissed me and me and Perrie left.

“I have to go to practice and tell everyone” I said, Perrie nodded and drove me.

I walked into the room and everyone looked at me “What are you having” they all yelled, I sit Hannah and Alexis on my lap; I really liked these little girls and have developed a bond with them.

“Well first I’m having twins and their booth girls” I said, everyone cheered.  Then the door opened and in walked Mckala, Blake, and Nathan.  I ran up to Nathan and hugged him, then kissed his lips.

“Twins” I said.

“Girls” I added.

“Nathan can I ask you something?” I asked.

“Of course babe” he said.

“I look like a pumpkin why are you still with me?” I asked.

“You’re beautiful no matter what size you are and you have a good heart Nathan said, I heard

“Awe’s” from behind me.  I kissed Nathan’s lips again and then hugged Blake and Mckala, they left and I turned back around and sat on the floor to watch my team practice.  I can’t wait till these babies are out of me.

*Four months later*

It’s been four more months, nothing has changed at all except that me and my team are closer than ever.  The babies could be here any day now, I decided on naming them Mia Grace and Mya Faith. 

“Have you decided on names?” Nathan asked, him, Blake, Mckala and the team was up in my room with me.

“Yes, I like Mya Faith and Mia Grace” I said.

“I love those names” Hannah squealed, she was sitting right beside me.

“Me too” everyone else agreed.  Then there was a sharp pain in my stomach.  “Ow” I cried out.

“Are you okay?” Brooke asked.

“I think my water just broke” I said.

*One painful pregnancy later*

One painful pregnancy later and my two beautiful baby girls were here.  Perrie was the only person in the room and we were waiting for the nurse to bring my babies back in.

Soon the nurse came in with two beautiful babies, she handed one to me and I kissed her forehead and said “Mia Grace Young” she put the other baby in my other arm, I kissed her forehead and said “Mya Faith Young”

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now