Ch. 19 Singing

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We soon arrived at the park and I saw Nathan, Blake, and Harry standing on the sidewalk.  I pushed the stroller up to Harry and he smiled.

“Sophia this is Nathan, Nathan Sophia” I introduced this.

“And this is Blake, Blake this is Sophia” I also introduced them.

Harry took the diaper bag from me and put it on his shoulder.

“Nice look there Styles” I laughed.

“Thanks” he smiled.

“Well we’re going for a walk meet you back here in a couple of hours” I said, everyone nodded and me and Harry started walking down the sidewalk.

“So what have you been up to lately?” I asked Harry.

“Nothing” he mumbled.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I shouldn’t be telling you this but Zayn has been a wreck since you came and saw him, he broke up with Taylor and he just really misses Perrie” Harry said.

“This is great” I exclaimed and Harry looked at me confused.

“Now we need Perrie and Zayn to get back together” I said.

“No we need to stay out of it” Harry said.

“No I can’t” I protested.

“Trust me just leave it, you’ll make it worse” Harry said.

“Fine” I grumbled.

“Are you still sad about dance?” Harry asked me.

“Yes I am but I’ve decided to move on with my life” I said, all of a sudden I saw my whole team, well ex-team.

They all ran up to me “Liv, please come back” they all pleaded.

“No sorry” I said.

“But we need you” Hannah looked like she was going to cry, I stopped walking let go of the stroller and walked up to them.

“I’m sorry I can’t dance with my ex boyfriend and ex best friend” I said.

“But without you we won’t win” Alexis also looked like she was going to cry.

“I can’t I’m sorry it’s just too painful” I said.

“Please” Cassidy begged.

I took a deep breath “No sorry”

“Please Liv without you we are nothing” Kelsey said.

“I can’t” I said.

“What happened to the Liv that said I can forgive” Brianna asked.

“Please Liv” Hannah begged.

Ashley all of a sudden came up and said “Dance is no more now it’s singing and dancing”

“I’ll do it, if my twin can also be on the team” I said.

“Okay, be at the studio at noon see you then” Ashley said.  I nodded and walked back over to Harry


The next day I woke up and took a quick shower, I put on a sport bra, a crop top, and yoga shorts. I fed and changed the babies. Then walked upstairs and into the living room. I set the twins down in their playpen and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and ate it for breakfast.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now