Ch. 22 Kidnapped

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I sat for an hour crying “We’ll find them don’t worry” I heard Sophia said, I wiped my eyes and looked up.

“I honestly doubt it” I said, I got up and sat on the bed.

“We’ll help” I heard a voice say, I looked towards the door and a man and woman stood in the doorway.

“Mom, Dad?” me and Sophia said at the same time.

“It’s us sweeties” they both said, me and Sophia jumped up, ran and hugged them.

“I’m sorry she took your girls, we didn’t think she would actually do it” Mom said, when we let go.

“Wait why is she after us?” I asked.

“There’s a lot you don’t know” Dad said.

“Sit on the bed and we’ll tell you” Mom said, me and Sophia sat on the bed and Mom and Dad stood in front of us.

“Well it all started when you two were born, Isabella was jealous that your dad chose me over her.  She said that she would get you one day.  We staged out death to protect you and we separated you so she wouldn’t find you.  She has people working for her too.  This is her way of getting back at me.  We’re sorry that this is happening” Mom said.

“We’ll find her” I said hopeful.

“I need to get some air” I said.

“Okay be careful” Dad said, I nodded and walked down to the lobby and out the door.  I stood on the sidewalk and let a few tears slip down my cheeks.

“Why are you crying” Someone said, I jumped because they scared me.

“I haven’t given you anything to cry about yet” the voice got closer, before I knew what was happening a rag was placed over my nose and mouth and everything went black.

*Sophia’s P.O.V*

Where is she, she’s been gone for awhile. “Mom, Dad where’s Olivia, she’s been gone for awhile” I asked.  Mom and Dad exchanged knowing glances.

“Stay here” Mom demanded and walked out of the room.

Me being nosey followed them.  I walked out the front door and stood on the sidewalk, watching them walk away. 

“Didn’t your parents tell you to stay where you were?” A voice said from behind me, all of a sudden a rag was placed over my nose and mouth, everything went black.

*Olivia’s P.O.V*

I fluttered my eyes open and I was in a van, I had a horrible head ache.  My feet and hands were tied up.   I look and saw Sophia beside me. We were in the back of a van. 

“Look who finally woke up, climb in the back and watch them” I heard my kidnapper say, someone that looked about 18 climbed in the back and sat across from me and Sophia.

“Why did you kidnap me?” I asked.

“Payback to your mom and dad” the guy that was in the back with us said.

“What’s your name?” I asked him.

“Adam” Adam said.

All of a sudden Sophia started to stir beside of me, and then her eyes fluttered open.  “Ouch my head” she whined.

“Tell me about it” I said.

“Can you please untie us, I mean really where are we going to do, jump out of the van” I said.

“I don’t know should I untie them Josh?” Adam asked, I guess Josh was the one driving.

“I don’t care they can’t go anywhere” Josh said, Adam untied me and Sophia.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now