Ch. 5 Harry to the Rescue

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I got up at 7:00 the next day and got ready.   I walked into the living room and everyone was in there.

“See ya at school guys” Harry said standing up. 

“Come on slut” Harry said.

“Bye Olivia” Liam said.

“Bye Liam” I smiled.  I got in Harry’s car and he drove to Mckala’s house, Mckala came out and I smiled.

“Hey sluts friend” Harry said as Mckala got in the backseat.

“Don’t mind the man whore” I said.

We soon arrived at the school and Mckala and I were getting out of the car “Olivia” Harry said, I turned around.

“Be careful and I’ll see you at lunch” he said.

“Thanks Harry” I said.

“No problem slut” he said.

“Bye man whore” I said and me and Mckala walked to our first class.  There were only two seats open and they were beside Nathan and Blake, I sat beside Nathan and Mckala sat beside Blake.

This is going to be a long class; I didn’t even know that they were in this class.   “Olivia” Nathan whispered.

I just ignored him “Olivia” he said louder, I ignored him again.  “Olivia” Nathan said even louder.

“What” I snapped.

“Sorry” Nathan said.

“Sorry for what punching me?  We have been best friends since we were three and then you just punch me for no reason” I said.

Nathan opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off “we’re not bet friends anymore and never will be”

I turned back around and soon class ended.  Me and Mckala were ion our way to our next class when I was slammed into a locker, I cried out in pain.

“Oh did that hurt slut” Mathew spat in my face.  “What do you want Matthew” I asked.

“Shut up slut” Matthew said and slapped me across the face, I cried out in pain.  Then the bell rang.

“You’re lucky slut, I have to get to class see you at lunch” Matthew smirked and walked away, I walked into class and sat beside Mckala.

Lunch came all too soon, me and Mckala got our lunch then walked outside, I saw Harry, Louis, Liam, and Niall sitting under a tree, me and Mckala walked over and sat with them.

“Olivia why is there a bruise on your face?” Niall asked.

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