Ch. 2 Why is he so mean to me?

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The next day I got up to something crashing.  I stood up and walked into the living room, Zayn was picking up pieces of what looked like a vase and Perrie was staring at him, with her hands on her hips

“What happened” I asked quietly.

“Well somebody got the grand idea to knock into a table and knock the vase down, making it shatter” Perrie said.

“Babe come one II said I was sorry” Zayn said.

“Nope sorry doesn’t cut it I need a new vase now” Perrie said.

“I’ll buy you a new one” Zayn said.

“Okay” Perrie exclaimed.

“Anyway, breakfast is at Harry’s sweetie” Perrie said.

“I’m not really hungry” I said.

“Are you sure, you didn’t eat supper last night” Zayn said.

“I’m sure” I said.

“Come on it’ll be fun” Perrie begged.

“Fine” I said.

“Let me get ready” I said.

 “Okay, meet us down there” Perrie said, I nodded and walked into my room.  I got dressed in blue jean bootie shorts, a purple top, and purple toms, I put on some makeup, then threw my hair in a messy bun.

I walked to the elevator and pushed the second floor button, I got out and everyone was in the kitchen, I walked in and everyone stared at me.

“Ewh why is she here?” Harry asked, Ouch well that hurt.

“Harry” Perrie scolded.  Tears pricked at my eyes.

“What she’s the ugly slut that just does whatever the hell she feels like” Harry says, the tears came then, I ran out of the kitchen and back into the elevator. I ran into my room and buried my head under my pillow, I let all the tears out right then and there.

There was a knock on my door, I looked up just in time to see Harry opening the door and walking in.

“They made me come up here to apologize” Harry said.

“So sorry” He added a little harsh.

“Why are you so mean to me” I blurted out and he just stared at me. 

“I don’t know I guess it’s just come here all preppy and stuff then you walk onto my floor without my permission” Harry said.

“I’m defiantly not preppy; I came from an orphanage how am I preppy?” I asked.

“I don’t know you just are” Harry said even more harshly.  I tried to walk away, I don’t like being insulted.

“Don’t walk away from me bitch” Harry snapped and pushed me so my back was pressed against the wall and Harry was holding me by my wrists.

Before I knew what was happening Harry crashed his lips on my, I kissed back and bam!  There were sparks flying everywhere.  We pulled away.

“What the heck was that” I basically yelled, Harry just walked out of the room but not before saying “bye bitch”

He confuses me.  I sat on my bed and opened my laptop, I got on twitter and saw a tweet from Skylar it read:

Skylar_Loves_You: I miss @Olivia_Is_Here_Babe so much; you want to know what I’m doing right now?  Laying on my bed doing absolutely nothing.  If Liv was here we would be at the mall and having fun, I would not be laying around doing nothing.  Miss and love you babe.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now