Ch. 21 Old House and Letters

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It’s been a week and today I’m leaving for tour today, I met the baby sitter and body guard a couple days ago.  Me, Sophia, and the twins were on the way to the private plane now.  Perrie couldn’t come, and Mckala had school. 

“Are you excited?” Sophia asked.

“Yea but I’m also super nervous” I admitted.

“You’ll be fine trust me” Sophia smiled, I smiled back.

*One Long Plane Ride Later*

Me, Sophia, and the twins were currently in the hotel room, in California. The twins were in the playpen that was in here.  There was a knock on the door, I opened it and it was Isabelle, the baby sitter.

“I was going to babysit so you two can go have some fun” Isabelle said.

“Okay, thanks” I exclaimed, Isabelle walked in and me and Sophia walked out.  I think we still owned our old house.

“I know where you want to go, we’re near our old house” Sophia said.

“I know, let’s go” I smiled.  We walked to our old house, as we stood in front of the house it seemed familiar. We walked up to the door and I placed my hand on the doorknob, I slowly turned it.  Surprisingly the door was open.  Me and Sophia both took a deep breath before we walked in.

We slowly walked up the stairs and into a room.  We assumed it was the room we shared.  There were two little beds and Barbie dolls.  I started looking through the dresser; all I found were little clothes.

“There’s nothing in here” I said.

“Let’s look in their room” Sophia said.

“Okay” I said, we walked into another room. I felt tears come to my eyes.  I looked through the dressers and came across a little box.

“Hey look at this” I said, Sophia walked over to me.

“Let’s open it” Sophia said, I nodded and we sat on our parents bed.  I slowly opened the box and saw a bunch of letter inside.

I looked at the first one and it said “Olivia and Sophia” on the front. I looked at Sophia “Open it” she said, I carefully opened it.

“Dear Olivia and Sophia, we hope that you both reconnected and came back here.  You two are probably older now.  Me and your dad aren’t really dead; we staged it, to keep you both safe.  We can’t tell you were we are or why we had to do this but we did, and we’re both terribly sorry.  People might be after you too, so never leave each other’s side.  Me and your dad love you terribly, we which we could be there with you right now but we can’t. I know that this is probably hard for you to read these letters now, when me and your father have probably been gone over 10 years.  I’m sorry that you both barely knew us.  We both love you so much.  We will be watching you both and be where ever you are, we just can’t speak and you both can’t see us.  Most people that are after us don’t know who you are, but they may find you.  Just remember that we will always love you no matter what.  –Love Mom and Dad” I read aloud, I was crying by the end, I looked at Sophia and she was crying too, I wrapped my arms around her and we cried together. 

We stopped and let go of each other. “There still alive” I said in shock.

“But we can’t see them” Sophia said, all of a sudden I felt like someone was staring at me.  I turned around and nobody was there.  I picked up the next letter and it said “When you might be able to see us” I opened it.

“Hey baby girls.  If either of you achieve a great accomplish meant and perform we will go and you might be able to see us or if something really bad happens.  Again I’m really sorry about all of this.  We really do wish we were there with you both.  –Love Mom and Dad.” I read aloud. 

“Let’s read the rest tomorrow and get out of here” I said, Sophia nodded and we walked back to the hotel.  When we walked into the room, nobody was in there.

I saw a note on the bed “Yea I took them and you will never get them back hahaha have a nice life without your two little angels” I read aloud.  I fell to my knees and broke down into sobs.


A/N: Sorry that this chapter is so short, the next one will be longer.

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