Ch. 24 Mia and Mya

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It’s been five more months, me and Sophia turn 17 in a month. These five months have been awful; the worst part is my babies are 1 now.  Adam has beaten me every day, Josh doesn’t even care, and he broke his promise to me.  I’ve stopped talking and I cut just about every day.

“Olivia” I heard Josh yell, I walked downstairs and the sight in front of me shocked me.  My twins were standing beside Isabelle. They ran up to me and hugged my legs; I bent down and hugged them.  I picked them up and Mia said “Momma” I smiled.

“Yes babies I’m your mommy” I said.

“That was her first word” Isabelle said.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“I couldn’t stand them anymore also I felt like you should have them” Isabelle said.

“Here are their suitcases” Isabelle said, she walked out of the house.

“Now, it’s time for your regular beating” Adam smirked.

I sighed and handed the babies to Josh, I walked with Adam up to his room. “Strip, we’re doing something different today” Adam smirked, I knew what he wanted to do and I was terrified but I obeyed his orders and took my clothes off. 

“Lay on the bed” he demanded, I laid on the bed and Adam took in my naked body.  Adam started unbuttoning his pants and I sucked in a deep breath.  “No please don’t” I said letting a few tears slip out of my eye. 

I was just raped by Adam, he walked out of the room and I quickly got dressed.  I ran into my bathroom in my room and took a quick shower.  I got out and put on some makeup, shorts, and a T-shirt.

I jumped at the sound of two gun shots, I ran downstairs to see Sophia crying over two bodies, I noticed that it was mom and dad.

“You monster” I yelled tears streaming down my face, Adam walked closer to me and slapped me across the face, he punched me in the stomach making me fall to the floor, he kept on hitting and kicking me all over.  I lost count after 15 kicks. He finally stopped “never call me that again” he spat in my face.

I carefully stood up, every ounce of my body ached, Sophia followed me up to my room with the twins, I laid down on the bed.

“I’m sorry, I should get beat every once in a while” Sophia said sitting beside me on the bed, the twins went to play with their toys Isabelle packed them.

“No, I’m glad it’s me and not you, I’m tougher than you” I said.

“I know but I just feel bad” Sophia said.

“Don’t feel bad I’m okay” I said smiling a little.  The pain went numb and I sat up.  I watched my babies play and laugh together, I smiled.   

“You never told us why you had old scars five months ago” Sophia said.

I took a deep breath.  “When I was 13 I was adopted by this family, the dad would abuse me and beat me every day.  After four months of this I had had enough so I ran back to Agatha’s and told her about that, she called the cops and had him arrested” I said.

“I’m so sorry” Sophia apologized.

“It’s okay” I said.

Josh walked into the room “run” was all he said.

“Run away now, Adam s gone now I’m not saying we won’t come after you but you better hurry get as far away as you can” Josh said.

“Here’s both of your phones back now leave” Josh said handing us our phones and some money I picked up Mya and Sophia picked up Mia. We ran down the stairs and out the front door. 

I still hurt all over, but I had to tough it out.  “Liv, are you okay?” Sophia asked.

“Yea why wouldn’t I be?” I asked her.

“You look really pale” she said.

“We need to call Perrie” I said, Sophia handed me Mia and took out hr phone.

“Perrie said to catch the next flight home” Sophia said.  I nodded.

*Back in England*

The plane landed, I grabbed Mia and Sophia grabbed Mya and we walked off of the plane.  I saw Perrie in the distance and she ran up and hugged me and Sophia, I winced in pain still sore from earlier. “Are you okay?” Perrie asked.

“Yea, I’m fine” I said.

“Liv, don’t lie” Perrie said.

“Perrie can you take me to Harry’s please?’  I don’t want to talk about this right now” I said.

“Sure come on” she said, we walked to Perrie’s car.  Sophia had to squeeze in the back with the babies.

We arrived at the familiar house, I got out and picked up both babies, Sophia climbed out and Perrie got out.  I knocked on the door and Harry answered.

“Liv?” he asked, I nodded.  He wrapped his arms around me and the babies.  We let go and me, Perrie, and Sophia walked inside.  I put the babies down and they walked into the living room with Perrie and Sophia.

“Harry I was wrong, I should have never broke up with you” I said.

“I’m glad you finally came to your senses” Harry laughed.  He bent down and pressed his lips to mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands were placed on my hips.

“Get a room” I heard someone say from behind us, I pulled away from Harry and saw Zayn standing behind us.  I ran up and hugged him. I let go and we all walked into the living room.

“Perrie there’s one more place I need to go, can I borrow your car?” I asked.

“Yea” she said.

“Thanks” I said kissing her cheek.

I picked up my babies and me and Sophia walked out to Perrie’s car.  I put the babies in their car seats and then got behind the wheel.  I pulled up at the familiar dance studio, I got the babies out and me and Sophia walked inside.

“Liv” everyone yelled when they saw me.

“In the flesh” I laughed.  Everyone ran up and hugged me.

They all let go and I smiled.

“Look how much they’ve grown” Brooke exclaimed.

“I know right” I said.

“Can I hold one?” Matthew asked, everyone got dead silent.

“Matthew, we’re never going to be together and don’t want to confuse them” I said.

“But technically they are mine too” Matthew said.

“So, I’m their mother, I could go to court and get full custody of them but I don’t want to do that” I said.

“Some mother you are, you let them get kidnapped” Matthew said, tears came to my eyes.

“Do you know what I’ve been through over the past 5 months do you?!?!  NO I didn’t think so!!  And you have the nerve to say that to me?!?!?  I’ve been through a lot worse than you!!” I yelled at him.

“I-“he tried.

“Do you know that I was raped again?  Do you know what it’s like to be raped twice?” I yelled tears streaming down my face.

“Do you know what it’s like to be beaten everyday for 5 months” I yelled.

“And to not be able to see your babies for five months, thinking that their dead or that you may never see them again” I yelled.

“Olivia, I’m so sorry” Matthew said.

“I don’t care anymore, I don’t want your sympathy, now I need to go” I said, I walked out of their and back to Perrie’s car, I put the twins in and then drove to Perrie’s house.


A/N: That’s Mia and Mya on the side, Mia is on the Left and Mya is on the right

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