Ch. 26 Zoo

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We soon arrived at the zoo “Harry can you get the stroller out for me?” I asked Harry.

“Of course babe” he said getting out of the car.  I also got out and got the twins out.  I put them in the stroller and gave Harry a peck on the lips in the process.

“I’ll push them” Harry said, he pushed the stroller with one hand and entwined our fingers with the other hand. 

We bought our tickets and walked inside “well according to this map, the camels are the closest” I said.

“Let’s go then” Harry said.

We walked to where the camels were, surprisingly there were barely any people here today.  I picked Mya out of the stroller and placed her on my shoulders.  Harry did the same with Mia.

“See the camel?” I asked pointing to the camel.  I looked up and Mya was smiling.  Mia was laughing with Harry.

I picked Mya up off of my shoulders and placed her on my hip, I put my purse in the stroller and Harry put Mia back in the stroller, then he pushed the stroller. 

We came to the next exhibit “babe what is this?” Harry asked me.

I walked over to where it tells you about the animal “It’s a Binturong, it says that Binturongs are naturally found in north-eastern India, Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Borneo, Philippines, Sumatra and Java.” I read to Harry. I walked over to where Harry was and he pointed it out to me.

“Do you see it Mya?” I asked her pointing at it. She smiled and pointed.

“Yea there it is baby” I smiled.

I looked over at Harry and saw that he was holding Mia and they were both smiling.

I quickly pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of Harry and Mia. 

We walked over to the next exhibit which was, Cheetahs.  “Look at the Cheetahs Mya” I said pointing to the Cheetahs.

Mya smiled and pointed to them “yea there they are” I smiled. 

The next exhibit we came to was, Dingoes.  “Look Mya there are the Dingoes” I said pointing to the Dingoes.

Mya smiled and pointed to the Dingoes “yea that’s a Dingo” I smiled.  “Babe smile” Harry said, I turned around just in time to see Harry snap a picture of me.  I smiled and he took another one. “I just noticed that you don’t have braces anymore” Harry said.

“Yea, my kidnappers took me to an orthodontist that they new and got them off” I said.

“Well your teeth look excellent” Harry said.

“Thanks” I said.

We finished walked through all the mammal exhibits there were, Echidnas,  Foxes,  Giraffe,  Goats,  Kangaroos, Koalas, Lemurs, Otters,  Possums and Gliders,  Red Panda,  Rhinoceros, Tasmanian Devils, Tigers,  Wombats, and Zebra’s.

“Reptiles here we come” I yelled, which causes the twins to start laughing in the stroller.  “Mommy’s crazy” Harry said.  The twins started laughing more.

 After the reptiles we went to look at the birds, and then we went into the gift shop.  I picked Mia and Mya up out of the stroller and set them on the floor. 

“Pick anything you want” I said, which caused them to run off in separate directions. “Well that went well” Harry said.

“Shut up and chase Mya” I said, I went off after Mia. Mia walked up to the Tasmanian Devil stuffed animals and picked one up. She showed it to me and I smiled “that’s perfect” I said.

I picked Mia up and went to go find Harry, when I found him Mya had a Cheetah stuffed animal in her hands.

I picked her up and Harry took both animals and went to pay for them.  I walked up to the cashier with him.  After he paid he handed the stuffed animals back to the girls and we walked back to the car.

He put the stroller in the trunk and I put the twins in their car seats.  I got in the passenger seat and Harry got behind the wheel.

“I had a fun time today” I smiled.

“Me too” Harry said, he leaned over and pecked my lips before starting the car.

We drove back to the house, I looked back and noticed Mia and Mya both peacefully sleeping with their new stuffed animals in their laps. I smiled, I took out my phone and snapped a picture.

I got out of the car and carefully picked Mya up out of her car seat.  Harry got Mia out and we walked inside.  We walked into their room and placed them both in their cribs.

We walked back into the living room; Sophia and Mckala were sitting on the couch.  “Find a car?” I asked them, they both nodded.  Harry sat on the couch and I sat in his lap.

“Two actually” they said.

“Awesome” I smiled.

“How was your day?” Mckala asked.

“Perfect” I smiled.

“Did the girls like it?” Sophia asked.

“They loved it, I think it tired them out though” I laughed.

“Hey, Mckala tomorrow do you want to take the twins to the park down the street?” I asked her, we live in this neighborhood and they have a neighborhood par, so maybe the twins can meet some friends.

“Sure” Mckala said.

The next day I woke up to an empty bed.  I walked into the living room to see everyone watching TV, I grabbed an apple and ate it for breakfast.

“Well let me go get these rug rats ready” I said picked Mia and Mya up.  I carried them into their room.  I got them dressed in matching blue dresses with black leggings and a blue ribbon in their hair.  I walked into my room and got dressed in blue jean shorts and a pink crop top, I slipped on my pink toms and then put some makeup on and put my hair into a high pony.

I walked back into the twins room they were holding their stuffed animals I bought them yesterday.  “Let’s leave them here” I said, they both put their stuffed animals on the floor beside of each other.  Then we walked out and into the living room.

“Ready?” Mckala asked me, I nodded.

“Alright we’ll be back later you two have fun” Mckala said.

“But not too much fun he is my boyfriend” I said.

I gave Harry a peck on the lips “I have stuff to do anyway” he said.

“And I’m going to the mall” Sophia said.

“Alright” I said.  Me and Mckala walked out of the door, I picked the twins up and carried them to the park.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now