Ch. 29 The Encounter

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I woke up and got dressed in leggings and a pink jumper; I put on socks and pink uggs.  I walked into the twins’ room.  I woke them up and changed their diapers.  Then I got them dressed in matching white long sleeve dress with black leggings.  I did my makeup and straightened my hair.

I picked them both up and walked into the kitchen, I set them in their highchairs and Harry placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of them.

“I’m going to let them feed themselves” I said.

“Well this should be interesting” Harry laughed; he placed a plate in front of me and pecked my lips.  Mckala and Sophia walked in and started eating their food. I finished eating and placed mine and the twins plated in the dishwasher.

I cleaned the twins up and picked them up out of their highchairs.  I set them on the ground and they went and sat in front of the TV.

“Ready?” Sophia asked me.

“I actually have to drive myself today, I have to do something after school” I said, Sophia nodded.

“Come on girls” I said, Mia and Mya walked up to me, I picked them up and walked to my car.  I put them in their car seats and put the diaper bag and my bag in the trunk.

I drove to the nursery and got the twins diaper bag out, then got them out, I walked inside and greeted the workers then I left.

I was almost at my car when I heard someone say “you really think you could get away from me that easily?” I instantly knew it was Adam, I turned around to see Adam smirking at me.

“What do you want” I spat.

“Oh nothing” he smirked again.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“I don’t like it when people run away from me” Adam said.

“You will pay for your actions” Adam said.

“Oh and I would watch those babies of yours closely if I were you who knows what could happen” Adam said.

“Have a horrible day” he added and then walked away.  I got in my car and drove over to the school. I was beyond terrified what was he going to do to my babies?  The thought of him hurting them horrified me.

School ended and I drove over to the nursery to pick up the twins.  I walked inside and as soon as the twins saw me they ran up to me, I picked them up and grabbed their diaper bag.  I said my goodbyes and then left.

I texted Sophia and told her that I was going to the park and didn’t know what time I’d be home.  She texted back and told me that her and Mckala were doing something when Mckala got home.

I drove to the neighborhood park and got out of the car, everyone was here.  I got the twins out and walked over to everyone, I set the twins down and they walked over to the boys.

“Hey” everyone said.

“Hey” said.

We all talked for a few hours, until I decided I needed to get back home to see Harry.  I picked the twins up and walked back to my car; I put them in and drove to the house.  I got out and got the twins out, I walked inside and set them down, and Harry wasn’t in the living room. 

I walked into the bedroom and saw him under the covers with another girl “Harry?” I asked tears came to my eyes.

“How could you” I yelled, I refused to let the tears fall.

“I’m so-“

“No Harry don’t even try and you get out before I make you” I said, the other girl ran out of the room and I heard the door slam.

“Do you not love me?” I asked afraid of the answer.

“Yes, more than anything” Harry said.

“Apparently not if you go and cheat on me” I said.

“After all I’ve been through you go and make things ten times worse” I’m surprised that I’ve held my tears in this long.

“Is it because I won’t have sex with you?” I asked him.

“No” he said.

“Then what is it, what did I do to make you go and cheat on me?” I asked him.

“I don’t know I was stupid and I didn’t know what I was thinks or doing” Harry said.

“Your 18 you can control your actions” I said.

“I’m really sorry” was all he said.

“Pack some things and get out” I said. Harry got up and threw some clothes in a suitcase

“I’m really sorry” he said before walking out of the bedroom, I heard the front door slam and I knew Harry was gone. I sat on the floor and hugged my knees to my chest.  I cried into my knees.

I don’t know how long I sat here crying but I heard the front door open and somebody walk into my bedroom.  “Liv what’s wrong?” I heard Mckala asked, I looked up and saw Mckala and Sophia standing in my doorway.

I wiped my eyes and said “he cheated on me”

“Awh babe I’m sorry” Sophia said.  They both bent down and hugged me.  We sat like this until I pulled away.  I got up and wiped my eyes off again, I walked into the twins room, they were passed out on the floor.

I smiled and carefully put them in their cribs.

I walked back into the living room, Sophia and Mckala were sitting on the couch watching something on TV.

“What are you watching?” I asked sitting beside them on the couch.  I felt my phone vibrate; I looked down and saw it was Harry.  I decided to turn my phone off; I don’t need this right now. 

“Umm… some movie” Mckala said.

“Liv are you okay?” Sophia asked me.

“Yea” I said.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now