Ch. 28 New School

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It’s been another two months and today me and Sophia start dance school.  I also turned 17 a month ago.

 I got up and changed into black leggings and a white jumper, it was winter so that’s why I wore long sleeves today. I put on some makeup and left my long dirty blonde hair natural, which was wavy.   I packed a sports bra and a pair of shorts to change into.

I walked into the twins’ bedroom, they had just woken up and were standing in their cribs I picked them up and set them on the floor.  I picked Mya up and changed her diaper; I did the same with Mia. Then I changed them into matching blue long sleeve shirts and pants.  I put a blue bow in each of their hair. 

I packed a change of clothes in their diaper bag along with, diapers, wipes, and two little toys.  I picked them both up; they had their stuffed animals in their hands.  I walked into the kitchen were Harry was making pancakes and bacon.

I put the twins in their highchairs and I sat in front of them. Harry put the food on six plates, enough for everyone.   I started feeding the twins and tried to eat myself.  Mckala and Sophia came in and started eating.

I finished feeding the twins and then I cleaned them up; I gave them each their sippy cup that had milk in it.   They started drinking their milk while I finished eating.

I put the plates in the dish washer “ready?” Sophia asked me.

“Yep” I said, I grabbed the diaper bag and my bag.  Me and Sophia walked out to her car, the twins followed us, I put our stuff in the trunk and then I strapped the twins into their car seats, they had their stuffed animal in their hands.

We arrived at the school nursery, which was right across the street from the actual school, I got out “I’ll be right back Soph” I told Sophia.

I got the twins out and got their diaper bag out. I walked inside and a lady walked up to me.  “Hi I’m Jamie the nursery worker” she said.

“Olivia and this is Mia and Mya” I said.

“Awh how cute” Jamie cooed.

“I don’t know how they’ll do” I said nervously.

“It’s fine” Jamie said.

I handed her Mia and Mya and they started crying, I set down the diaper bag and waved goodbye.  I could still hear the crying from in the parking lot.

I got back in the car and Sophia drove over to the school.  “They’ll be okay” Sophia read my mind.

“Last time I left them alone they were kidnapped” I said.

“I know but there are other workers they’ll be fine” Sophia said.

“I hope so” I said getting out of the car.  I got my bag out of the trunk and so did Sophia, we walked inside and into the changing room; we changed into our sports bras and shorts, and then we walked into our first class.

There were no seats and everyone was on the floor so we sat with them

“We will be learning one dance a week and then that Saturday we have a show, also one person in the school will sing at that show” the teacher said when she walked in.

“Oh and welcome to Queensland School of Dance I’m Abby, your teacher” Abby said.

“Now let’s start off with each of you dancing and singing” Abby said.

“Now who would like to go first?” Abby asked, nobody raised their hand so I decided too.

“Olivia come on up, you and your sister are new to this school and are the youngest in this class” Abby said.

I finished my dance and saw everyone with shocked faces.  “That was excellent” Abby said.

“Thanks” I smiled.

“Now if you can sing as well as you dance then you’re in great shape” Abby said, I smiled.

“I’m going to sing ‘We Can’t Stop’ by Miley Cyrus” I said.

“Wait do you have a guitar in here?” I asked Abby.

“Yea” she said handing me a guitar I took it and started playing it.

I sang the whole song and looked up to see everyone with shocked faces again.  “You sing just as good as you dance, now the next person that comes up here has a lot to compete with” Abby said, I smiled.

I went over and sat back beside Sophia. 

School soon ended, me and Sophia changed back into our outfits from the morning and walked out to her car.  We parked outside of the nursery and I got out and walked inside.

I saw the twins playing with some toy “how were they?” I asked Jamie.

“They cried for about an hour but other than that they were great” Jamie said.

When they saw me they ran up and hugged my legs, I picked them both up and they kissed my cheek, I kissed their foreheads and Jamie handed me my diaper bag.

I walked out to Sophia car and put Mia and Mya in their car seats.  I got back in the passenger side. 

Sophia drove back to the house and I got the twins out.  We walked inside and nobody was home. I set the twins down and they ran off to their room. 

  “Let’s watch a movie” Sophia said.

“What movie?” I asked sitting down on the couch.

“Bring it on” she said putting the DVD in.

“Yay” I squealed.

After the movie Harry and Mckala walked through the door.

“How was school?” Harry asked.

“Great, I’m the star of the class” I smiled, I pecked Harry on the lips.

“Well that’s good” he said.

“How was your day” I asked.

“Boring” Mckala and Harry both said.

“Oh” I said.

“I’m going to go see the twins” Harry said walking off.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked Mckala.

“His ex goes to our school and he ran into her, they talked about something but I don’t know what” Mckala said.

“Oh” was all I could say.

“It’ll be okay” Mckala said.

“I wish everyone would just stop saying that” I said.

“Sorry” Mckala said.

“It’s not your fault” I said.

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