Ch. 46 Where Are You?

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The next day after the signing me, Holly, and the kids went back to our room. Mckala, Savanna, and Sabrina went shopping. 

"I'm excausted" I said floppping down on the couch.  'Babies, want to take a nap with mommy?" I asked Mia and Mya, they sleepely nodded their heads.  "Well we're going to take a nap" I said.

"I might actually take one too, come on Matthew" Holly said picking Matthew up, I picked Mia and Mya up and we walked into the room.'

I set the twins on the bed and changed into some sweatpants, them I climbed into bed with them and soon we were all asleep.

I woke up and noticed that the twins were gone and Holly wasn't in her bed.  I got up and walked into the living room area, Holly was sitting on the couch and the kids were on the floor playing. 

I sat on the couch beside Holly "look who finally decided to wake up" Holly laughed.

"Let's go get some supper" Holly said.

"Okay let me go get dressed" I said getting up and walking into the room.  I put on some skinny jeans and a blue long sleeve shirt.  I walked back out and said "let's rockand roll" Holly laughed.

"Hold mommy's hand' I said to Mia and Mya, they reached out and took my hand. "You know what I just realized?" I asked as we made our way into the elevator.

"What?" Holly asked.

"I turn 18 in two months" I said.

"I turn 18 in three months" Holly said.

"Awesome" I exclaimed.

"I have two, two year olds and i'm not even 18 yet"  I said.

The eleavator opened and we walked into the Lobby.  "So where do you want to go to eat?" I asked Holly as we walked  outside and onto the busy side walk, I picked Mia and Mya up.  "Ummm... how about In-N-Out burger" Holly said.

"Sounds good" Holly said, we walked to In-N-Out burger and walked inside. We ordered and got our food, then sat at a table, I put the twins in high chairs and Holly did the same with Matthew, I cut up Mia and Mya's burgers and they started eating. 

My phone vibrated I pulled it out and saw a text from Mckala.

Mckala: Where are you and Holly?

Olivia: Eating why? 

Mckala: We want to have a girls night

Olivia: Me and Holly have kids and you have one on the way, we're staying in tonight

Mckala: Whatever party pooper

Olivia: When you have kids you'll understand

Mckala: Well I have one  on the way and I don't understand

Olivia: Whatever I'm trying to eat in peace see you later

"Who was that?" Holly asked.

"Mckala, here read what she said" I said handing Holly my phone.

"What has gotten in to her?" Holly asked.

"Sabrina and Savanna" I said, Holly gave me my phone backand I put it in my pocket.

"Don't worry about her" Holly said.

We finished eating and threw our trash away.  "Mommy I peepee" Mia said.

"Okay come on" I said picking her up and grabbing the diaper bag.  "I'll be right out" I told Holly, I walked into the  bathroom and laid Mia on the changing table.  I changed her diaper and walked back to Holly.

We walked back to the hotel, we walked into our room and I set the twins down.  Me and Holly sat on the couch and I turned the TV on.  I turned it to Dance Moms "I love this show" I said.

'"Omg me too" Holly squealed.  I laughed.

"I haven't danced in a while" I sighed.

The next day after my interview me and Holly decided to go to my old house. I just had to see it again. 

"Here it is' I said.  Mia and Mya were in my arms, we walked up to the door and I opened it, I was beyond nervous.

I walked up the stairs and into my parents bedroom.  Me and Holly sat on the bed and I set the twins in my lap.

"What are you doing in my house" I turned aound and saw my 'mom', my 'dad', and Adam.

"Oh it's you" my 'dad' said.

"Yea it's me, what's it to ya?" I asked.

"Liv, what's going on?" Holly asked.

"Mommy I'm scared" Mia and Mya started crying. My 'mom' took Mia and Mya off of my lap and threw them across the room, I heard crying.

"Leave them alone" I yelled.

"And what if I don't" my 'mom' said.

"Their just kids please don't hurt them" I begged.

"You're right we don't want them we want you" my 'mom' said.

"You know we tried to abort you, because we only needed one child but the doctors wouldn't let us" my 'dad' said.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I asked.

"You were born" Adam said.

"Please leave me alone" I yelled.

"Oh but we can't do that?" my 'mom' said. They all took a step closer to me and Holly. 

"Please don't" I begged.  

"Too late" before I knew what was happening a rag was placed over my face and everything went black.

*Mckala's P.O.V.*

I walked down to Olivia's room, I felt bad about yesterday.  I knocked on the door but no one answered, I kept knocking but still nobody.  Hmmm this is weird, I dialed her number but it went straight to voice mail. I walked back up to my room and walked in. Sabrina and Savanna were sitting on the couch watching TV.

"She's gone" I said.

"What are you talking about?" Sabrina asked.

"Liv is gone" I said.

"Calm down her and Holly are probably just out with the kids" Savanna said.

"No she's not answering her phone and she always answers her phone" I started freaking out.

"She probably just doesn't want to be disturbed" Sabrina said.

"You don't get it I know her better than anyone her phone is always on" I said

"Just take a chill pill, if she's not back by morning we'll go look for her" Savanna said.

"If you don't want to come fine, but I'm going to get my bestfriend back" I said walking out of the room.  I got to the Lobby and dialed Harry's number.

"Hello" Harry answered.

"Harry it's Mckala, Liv is gone" I said.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"I thinkshe was kidnapped again" I started crying. 

"Shhh calm down, I'm going to catch the next flight and be there soon" Harry said.

"I think Holly was kidnapped too, bring Blake and David with you" I said.

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as possible" Harry said.

"Okay" I said hanging up the phone. I walked back up to my room and walked inside, I ignored Sabrina and Savanna and went straight into my room and laid on the bed.

I pulled my phone out and went to my images, I clicked on a picture of me and Olivia at the beach.  Where are you Liv/?  I need you.  Where ever you and Holly are I promice I will find you.

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