Ch. 8 I'm P-?

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*Olivia’s P.O.V*

“Olivia, you have signs of rape” the nurse said, well I already knew that.

“And you might be pregnant, we want you to come back in a week, so we can see if you are” the nurse said, now I didn’t know that.

“P-Pregnant” I choked out.

“There’s a possibility come back in a week” the nurse said and I nodded.

*1 week later*

It’s been a week and I am currently with Harry in a hospital room, waiting to see if I’m pregnant.

The nurse walked in and I almost jumped out of my seat.  “I’m sorry but you’re pregnant” she said the words I was dreading.  “No I can’t be” I said.

“I’m sorry but you are, there are options though, abortion or adoption” the nurse said.

“No I’m keeping this baby” I said, I was so shocked I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.

“Mrs. Young” the doctor asked.

“You may go now” she said, I nodded and me and Harry left and got in his car.

“Harry I’m scared” I cried.

“Shhh it’ll be okay” Harry cooed and rubbed my back.

“Take me to school now” I said.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea” Harry said.

“Harry I need to tell Matthew now drive” I demanded.

It was lunch time at school.  I walked through the lunch room and outside to where Matthew and Caleb were eating lunch.

“Want more” Matthew winked.

“Of course not” I yelled, everyone outside stared at me and I saw Mckala, Nathan, and Blake walk up behind me.

“You bastard got me pregnant I hope you’re happy because I am keeping this baby but it’s not like you’ll care you’ll only be her or his dad but this baby will never know you” I yelled tears flowing down my cheeks, I ran back inside and into the bathroom, I fell to the floor and cried, I know it’s gross crying on the floor of the bathroom but I honestly didn’t care right now.

“Are you okay” I heard Mckala say, I stood up and wiped my eyes, I shook my head and Mckala wrapped her arms around me, I cried into her.

The bell rang so I pulled away “we have to get to class” I said, I wiped my cheeks and put on a little makeup, so I looked better.  Me and Mckala walked out of the bathroom and Nathan and Blake were waiting for us.

“Babe are you okay” Nathan asked putting his arm around my waist.  “Honestly no, but I will be soon hopefully” I said.

When I got home from school I went into the living room, the girls were here with the guys.  “Liv, do you mind if Danielle, Eleanor, and Abby move in with us, they don’t like their parents?” Liam asked

“Of course, I need women around” I said.

“Thanks, oh and how’d the doctor’s appointment go?” Liam asked, I started crying all over again. 

“I’m p-p-pregnant” I cried.  Niall came over and wrapped me in a hug, but I pulled away.  Niall looked hurt “I’m sorry Niall I just need some alone time” I said, Niall nodded and I went up to my room and collapsed on my bed.

I heard a knock on the door and in walked Nathan, Mckala, and Blake.  “What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

“We thought you needed some cheering up” Mckala said.

“Well you were right” I said, I got up and hugged all three of them.  “Wait can I call Perrie?” I asked.

“Of course, we’ll be right here in the living room” Mckala said, I nodded and they walked out closing the door behind them. I dialed Perrie’s number on my Iphone.

“Hello” I heard Perrie’s voice.

“Perrie” I cried.

“Are you okay?” Perrie asked.

“I need a mom” I cried out.

“What happened” Perrie sounded confused.

“I w-was r-r-raped and now I’m” I couldn’t even finish the sentence before I broke down into sobs.

“Oh my, I’m catching the first flight home and I’ll be there in a few hours stay strong” Perrie said, then I heard a beep, I put the phone down and wiped my eyes. Then I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch beside Nathan.

Nathan put his arm around me and I snuggled into his chest.  I looked over and saw Mckala snuggled up into Blake’s side and them laughing.

“Wait are you two going out?” I asked.

“Not ye-“Mckala started to say.

“Yes we are” Blake interrupted. 

“Awh how cute” I squealed.

I snuggled back into Nathan’s chest and soon I was asleep.

I was awoken to someone shaking me; I fluttered my eyes open and saw Nathan standing in front of me.

“What time is it” I yawned.

“Only 8:00, my mom called we have to go” Nathan said.

“Oh” I said, I pecked Nathan on the lips then looked at him.

“I might not go to school tomorrow” I said.

“Awh” Nathan looked sad.

“Sorry” I said kissing his lips again, we pulled away and I hugged Mckala and Blake before they all walked into the elevator and disappeared.  I went down to the living room where everyone was.

How’s it going?” Niall asked.

“Not so good” I said sitting on the floor in front of him.

All of a sudden I heard the door open, I literally jumped up and ran to the door, and it was Perrie.  I ran into her arms and cried into her chest.

“Shhh I’m here now” Perrie cooed, I pulled away and wiped my eyes.

“Perrie I’m scared” I said.

“I know you are sweetie, but it’ll be okay, we will all help you get through this” Perrie said.

“And I thought about this, how would you and your friends like to be homeschooled?” Perrie asked.

“I would love that, where at though?” I asked confused.

“Well since I am in a band, they said that we  could get a private teacher to teach all of our kids” Perrie said.

“Wait how do all of them have kids?” I asked.

“Well for publicity we all adopted a fourteen almost fifteen year old girl” Perrie said, I nodded my head.

“It starts tomorrow, I’ll pick your friends up” Perrie said.

“Wait aren’t they on tour?” I asked.

“No, we all came back they said without me it wasn’t really a band” Perrie said.

“Oh, so where’s Zayn?” I asked.

“Um we sort of had a big fight and broke up, so we are moving in with my band mate jade and her adopted daughter Skylar” Perrie said.

“Wait Skylar who?” I asked.

“I don’t know you’ll see her when we get there” Perrie said, I nodded.

“Now let’s pack” Perrie said, I nodded and went up to my room and started packing.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now