Ch. 34 "All we can do is hope"

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I woke up, what time is it?  I was still curled in a ball and I decided to stay like that.  I heard the door open but didn't bother to look up.  "Breakfast" I looked up and saw Adam.  I shook my head no, I wasn't hungry.

"Come on you have to eat" Adam said, I shook my head again, I heard Adam sigh and walk away.  He shut the door and I stayed curled in my ball.  

I heard the door open again "I'm sorry" I looked up and saw Niall, I laid my head back down.

"Liv please just eat" he begged, I shook my head.

"Come on it's really good" he said, I shook my head again, I heard Niall sigh and walk away, I heard the door slam but I stayed curled up in my ball.

*Adam's P.O.V*

I walked into the living room after trying to feed Olivia.  "It didn't work" I sighed, I sat beside Sophia on the couch.

"Here let me try" Niall said, I handed him the food and he walked away.

"I'll have to teach her a lessen" dad said.

"No dad don't can't you see how scared she is, if we want her to like us we have to be nice" I said. 

"But I don't want her to like us" dad said just as Niall walked in.

"She didn't even yell at me for helping you guys she just stayed curled up in a little ball" Niall said sitting back down beside Alley on the floor.

"Guys this is bad" Sophia said.

"Well it's time for me to teach the slut a lessen" dad said getting up.

"Dad don't go to hard on her please" Sophia said.

"I'll do what I want with the slut" dad said walking away.

*Olivia's P.O.V*

I heard the door open and I looked up to see my 'dad' wallk in.  I laid my head back down "get up slut" he spat.

"I said get up" he picked me up by my hair and threw me across the room, I cried out in pain.

"Next time we say to do something you better do it" he spat in my face.  He kicked me in the stomach twice and then he reached down and puched me in the face twice. He walked away and I heard the door slam.

I curled up in a ball and cried.

*Adam's P.O.V*

I saw dad walk back in "well she learned her lessen" he smirked.

"What did you do to her?" Sophia asked.

"Why do you care I thought you dodn't like her" dad said.

"I never said that the only reason I'm helping you is so I don't end up like her" Sophia said,

"Nice choice" dad smirked.  I heard crying and dad got up "don't even think about hurting those kids" I said.

"I'll do what I want boy" dad said and then walked away.

"If he hurts those babies I don't know what I'll do" Sophia said.

"He won't" I said wrapping an arm around her and giving her a squeeze.

"We won't let him" I said.

"He does what he wants" Sophia laughed,

"How can you laugh at a time like this" Niall got up and stormed out of the room. 

"I'll go talk to him" Alley also got up and left.

*Alley's P.O.V*

I walked up to Niall's room and walked inside, he was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.  I went over and sat beside him.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now