Ch. 39 Boys

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I woke up the next day to Holly shaking me, I opened my eyes "may I help you?" I asked.

"No but we have breakfast" Holly said, I groaned and sat up.

"Can I just go in my pajamas?" I asked.

"I wouldn't" Holly said, I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of sweat pants, I put them on and a t shirt on.  I threw my hair in a messy bun and didn't worry about makeup.

"You really know how to  bum it" Holly said.

"I've had practice" I said.

"But you still look gorgeous" Holly said.

"No I am so far from gorgeous but you on the other hand are beyond gorgeous" I said.

"NO you are even without makeup" Holly said.

"Awh thanks, but seriously you are too" I smiled.

"Okay less stop fighting about nothing and go to the cafiteria before they think we;re skipping and come find us" Holly said.

"Good idea" I said, we walked out of the room and down to the cafiteria, after getting our food we sat down with Amelia, Amanda, Abby, Danielle, and Mckenzie.

"Wow someone who actually bums it" Abby said.

"How can you be so pretty without even trying" Danielle asked.

"You all need to shutup,all of you are beautiful" I said.  

"But we all have makeup on and look at you when you don't have makeup on" Amelia said.

"How do you do it?" Amanda asked.

"Well think of it this way, whhy wear makeup when you're only around girls?  And plus I have no one to impress here, I already have a boyfriend" I said.

"True" Abby said.

"Wait Holly didn't tell you?" Danielle asked.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"After breakfast we go to the lounge and there are boys there" Danielle said.

"Okay and?" I asked.

"You aren't going to dress up?" Amanda asked.

"Of course not" I said.

"Dang I wish I had your confidence" Mckenzie said.

"Yea me too" Holly said.  We all ate and then stood up.

"Are we the only ones that's going to be in there?" I asked.

"Yea and seven other boys that are on the hall on the other side of the lounge" Abby said.

"Awesome" I smiled.  We walked over to the lounge and all walked in. 

"Hey guys this is Olivia she's new" Holly said.

"Liv, this is Josh, Cam, Steven, Jonathan, Gavin, Kolby, and Ethan" Holly said.

"Nice to meet you" I said.

"Is she okay?" Cam asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"That you look like a bum" Josh said.

"It's kind of sexy" Cam winked.

"Thanks I guess" I said.  I sat beside Holly on the couch and she whispered "just ignore them" in my ear, I nodded my head.

"But seriously why did you dress like that?" Steven asked.

"Here's my theory why dress up when there's no one to impress, I mean yea you all are guys but I don't need to impress any of you I have a boyfriend" I said.

"Dang you're awesome" Kolby said.

"Thanks"  I smiled.  My phone vibrated so I pulled it out of my pocket.  It was a text from Mckala, it was a picture of Mia and Mya.  It read:

Mckala: We all really miss you, here's a pic od Mia and Mya maybe it'll brigten up your day. Love ya.

I felt tears sting my eyes, I miss Mia and Mya so much, I got up and ran out of the lounge, I ran into mine and Holly's room and laid on my bed.  I let all my tears out into my pillow.  I heard the door open, I looked up to see Holly walking in.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked me.

"Yea, it's just Mckala my best frien sent me a picture of Mia and Mya and it made me sad I mean I came back from five months away and then I just up and leave again, I can't keep doing this to them" I said.

"It'll be okay, I know how you feel" Holly said.

"How?" I asked.

"I got pregnant at 15, except my babies were taken from me a year later and I found them dead in a lake" Holly said.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry' I said.

"It's okay" Holly said.

"When we get out of here let's still stay friends" I said.

"I think you'll get out before me, I don't really eat I pretend to you're the only one that atually does what their suppose to" Holly said.

"I guess it's because I have motivation unlike some people" I said.

"I guess so" Holly said. 


A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short

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