Ch. 35 The Plan

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*5 months later*

It feels like I've been in this room forever, but I think it's only been five months.  I don't eat, or talk, I stay curled up in a ball all day.  The only time I get up is when they come in to beat me.  I heard the door open but I didn't bother too look up, it was probably Sophia, Alley, or Niall trying to get me to eat,  They told me that they are only doing this because if they don't he'll kill me, so I'm not mad at them anymore well I was never really mad.  

"Here's breakfast" I heard Sophia's sweeet voice say, I shook my head no.

"Please eat yiu haven't ate in 5 months" she begged but I just shook my head.

"Please" she begged and again I shook my head, she sighed and I heard her walk away and then the door slam, this is how it was everday.

*Sophia's P.O.V*

I walked uo to Niall's room, this is where me, him, and Alley talk.  I opened the door and they looked at me with hopeful eyes but I shook my head.

"She hasn't eaten in 5 months" Alley looked like she was about to cry.

"The worst part is the twins ask for mommy everyday they're a year and seven months they're going to think their mommy left them" I said.

"I know but you both know what will happen if we try and stop it" Niall said, I sat down in the chair that was in Niall's room.

We all heard a scream and me and Alley exchanged knowing glances "what?" Niall was confused.

"Today's the day" I said sadly.

"They day for what?" Niall asked.

"Where Olivia is raped for the third time, maybe forth" Alley said sadly.

"How come we had to be raised in this family" I asked.

"I don't know" Alley said.

"I wish it wasn't like this" Niall said.

"Me too" I said.

"Me three" Alley piped.

"She is so broken, this is the worst I have ever seen her" I said.

"What their doing right now is going to break her even more" Niall sighed.

"If that's even possible" Alley said.

"I wish there was something we could do"I said.

"You know what will happen if we try anything" Niall said.

"I know but a girl can hope can't she?" I asked.

I heard the twins crying so I got up and walked into their room.  "Mommy" Mia asked.

"She'll be back soon" I smiled Mia and Mya clapped their little hands and I picked them both up, I changed their diapers and went into the kitchen, I fed them and then walked back up to Niall's room.

"Mommy?" Mya asked when she saw Alley.

"I'm not your mommy sweetie, but she'll be back soon" Alley said, I handed her Mya and she sat in her lap.  I sat back in the chair and placed Mia in my lap.

*Olivia's P.O.V* 

I was just raped by Adam and my 'dad', they left the room and I quickly put my clothes back on.  I curled up in a ball on the floor and cried.  I hate my life.  Why can't I just die.  Is this punishment for something?  Did I do something wrong?  Why does everyone hate me?

*Alley's P.O.V*

We all walked down to the living room where Adam and my dad were sitting on the couch.  I set Mya down and she hid behind me.

"Why are you doing this to her?" I asked him.

"Because she's a slut that nobody likes" he said.

"She doesn't deserve this" Sophia said standing beside me, Mia was hiding behind her legs.

"What has gotten in to you two, you used to like this" he said.

"No dad we didn't we just did it because you said you would kill her if we didn't" I said.

"Can't you tell that she's broken?" Niall asked standing on the other side of me.

"We'll break her more" he said.

"What else is there to break?" Sophia asked.

"You two have took everything she had away from her" I said.

"It all started when yiu paid Matthew and Caleb to rape her and beat her" Niall said.

"And then you taking the kids and Adam and Josh taking us" Sophia said.

"And Adam raping her" I said.

"And now you took her again" Niall said.

"Do you know that she hasn't eaten in the five months she's been here?" Sophia asked.

"That's her own fault" he said.

"You've scared her so bad she doesn't even talk or eat" I said.

"You've crushed her can't you see that?" Niall asked.

"What if you just got her pregnant?" Sophia asked.

"Then I'll kill the baby" he said.

"If you get her pregnant you will not kill her or that unborn baby" I sneered.

"What are you three going to do about it, you can't do anything because if you even try he and her kids will be dead" he sneered back.

"Fine" we all mummbled, me and Sophia picked Mia and Mya up and walked back to Niall's room.

"I have a plan" I said.

"Well what is it?" Sophia asked.

"Well tonight when their asleep me and you grab the twins and Niall sneeks down to her room and grabs her, we all run out and climb into mine and your cars, you go with Niall and I'll follow you in my car with the twins" I said.

"That's risky" Niall said.

"But it's all we've got" Sophia said.

"We have to do this, if she stays here much longer there won't be anything left to save" I said.

"Okay, let's do this" Niall said.

"Don't worry you'll be back in mommy's arms before you know it" I kissed the top of Mia's head.

"Let's pray this works" Sophia said.

"It will" I smiled.

"Okay so let's go over this then" Niall said.

"Okay..." I started. 

After we went over the plan all we could do was wait and soon the time came to jump into action....

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now