Ch. 14 Yes!

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The truth is I like Matthew too.  “Matthew I like you too, also I think these babies need two parents” I said.

“Would you ever give me a chance to be their dad?” he asked.

I took a deep breath before saying “yes”

“Seriously” Matthew asked, I nodded.

“Can I move in with you?” he asked.

“Go next door and ask Perrie if she says yes, you can be their dad, if she says no, than you’ll be out of their life forever” I said, he nodded and walked out of the room.

“What are you doing” Brooke said.

“Giving him a chance, Mia and Mya need a father” I said, Brooke just shook her head.

I did 50 pushups and then Matthew walked in.  “She said yes” he said.

“Yay” I squealed and hugged him.

“Now go move in, I’ll be there shortly” I said, he nodded and walked away.

I did 50 more pushups, then 150 sit ups, and finally 200 jumping jacks. I was all sweaty by the time I finished.  I fed and changed both of the babies, put them in their car seats, and said goodbye to Brooke.  I walked into where Perrie was, except she wasn’t in there.

“I’m taking you home, Perrie was helping Matthew move in, also you two are living in the basement, so they were moving everything for you” Jade said, I nodded.

We soon got to the house, I got the babies car seats out and walked inside, Skylar was sitting on the couch, I put the babies in their swings.

I laid down on the other couch.   I fell asleep.

“Finished” I was awoken by Matthew yelling.  I looked over at the babies swings and they were gone.  “I already fed and changed them, their peacefully sleeping in their cribs in the basement” Matthew said, I nodded and stood up to follow Matthew down to the basement.  

There were three rooms in the basement, one was the twins’ room, the other was mine and Matthew’s room, and the last room was a living area, this was just like our little apartment.  We even had our own bathroom

“All our clothes are in the closet” Matthew said. 

“I love it, Matthew you just proved to me that I can trust you to be a good dad” I said hugging him.

The door to the basement opened and down came Perrie.  “Bad news, your teacher fell and broke her hip, so we’re sending all of you to a private school” Perrie said.

“What about the babies?” I asked.

“They have a nursery there” Perrie said.

“Awesome where is it?” Matthew asked. Perrie told him how to get there, so Matthew could take me and the babies there tomorrow.

“Now it starts at 7:30 but you get out at noon” Perrie said, me and Matthew nodded and Perrie walked away.

I got up at 6:00, so I could take a shower and get ready. The babies kept me and Matthew up, I probably only got an hour of sleep.

After I got out of the shower, I changed into a blue top and white pants.  I slipped on some blue toms and then did my makeup, I straightened my hair.  I walked out of the bathroom to see Matthew up and dressed.

“Its 7:00 let’s go so we can get the twins situated” Matthew said, I nodded.  I picked Mya up and placed her in her car seat, I strapped her in, and Matthew did the same with Mia.

I picked up Mya’s car seat and Matthew picked Mia’s up.  We walked upstairs to see everyone up.  “We’re going to school now, we want to get the twins’ situated” I said.

“Crap, Matthew can you run and get the diaper bag?” I asked.

“Yea here’s the keys, go ahead and put the babies in the car” Matthew said handing me the keys and Mia’s car seat. I walked out to his car and strapped the twins’ in. I got in the passenger side and waited for Matthew.

Matthew came out and opened the driver side door, he handed me the diaper bag and then he started the engine.

We soon arrived at the school, which was huge by the way.   I got out and, got Mya’s car seat out and the diaper bag.  Matthew got Mia’s car seat out

Matthew grabbed my free hand and entwined our fingers.  We walked in and there were a ton of people in there, I felt like everyone was staring at us as we walked to the nursery area.  We walked into the room and there were about five kids in there all of them looked to be 1 or 2.  There was a lady sitting in the chair holding two babies, they looked new born.

“Hello I’m Mary and this is Austin and Micah.  Austin was born four days ago and Micah was born a week ago” Mary said.

“Hey this is Mia and Mya, they were born four days ago also” I said.

I picked Mya out of the car seat and set her in one of the swings that were in the nursery, Matthew did the same with Mia.

Mary set Austin and Micah each in a crib and then walked up to me and Matthew “Here’s the diaper bag” I said handing her the bag.

“Bye sweeties see you soon” I kissed each of their foreheads, me and Matthew walked out of there and down to my class.  “Meet you in the nursery after school” Matthew said.

“Okay” I said and pecked him on the lips.  I walked into the classroom and my eyes landed on Mckala, I sat beside her.

“Hey can I come over after school?” Mckala asked me.

“I have dance” I said.

“I know after dance” Mckala said.

“Oh sure” I said.

“Oh I know I can go to dance with you and watch the babies then go home with you” Mckala exclaimed.

“Okay” I mumbled.

“Hey girl” Brooke said as she sat beside me.

“Hey” I said.

“Can I come over after dance today?” she asked.

“Yes and then we can have a sleepover, Mckala is also coming over” I exclaimed.

“Awesome, I’ll drive over after dance” Brooke said.

“Okay” I exclaimed.

I looked over and saw Mckala with a sad look on her face “is that okay with you?” I asked.

“What?  Of course it’s okay with me” Mckala said.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now