Ch. 16 Surprise!!

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“You’re not my friend any more, you lost that role a long time ago” I said just as my phone rang.

“Hello?” I had no idea who this was.

“Is this Olivia Young?” the lady asked.

“Yes who may I ask is speaking” I said.

“This is Angela, Agatha’s twin sister, I also own an orphanage not far from Agatha’s.  I came across something that interested me” Angela said.

“Olivia you have a twin her name is Sophia, she’s been here since the age of three,  her parents died in a car crash” Angela said.  How could I forget I had a twin?

“I also told her, she’d love to meet you” Angela said.

“I’ll have to ask, if Perrie says yes, I’ll be there” I said.

“Great see you soon” Angela said, I hung up and Skylar asked “Who was that?”

“Nobody don’t worry about it” I said.

We arrived at the house and I got the twins and their diaper bag out.  I walked inside and Perrie was already here.

“Perrie can I ask you a huge favor” I said setting the twins in their playpen, and then running up to her.  “I know Angela called me, we fly out tomorrow” Perrie said.

“Yay” I squealed and hugged her.

“Where’s Matthew?” I asked.

“He’s down in the basement” Perrie said.

I nodded and walked down to the basement, Matthew was pacing back and forth.  “Matthew is something wrong?” I asked him.

“Yes, I’m sorry but I can’t be with you anymore” he said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I made a big mistake so you would’ve threw me out anyway, I already packed” Matthew said.

“Matthew what did you do?” I asked him.

“A man has his needs, while you were gone Brooke came over and we started making out, well one thing led to another. Right after I felt so bad, I packed and then waited for you” Matthew said, I broke down crying.

“Just go, you already broke my heart” I said in-between sobs.  “I’m really sorry” Matthew said right before he walked through the door and then shut it behind him.  I got up and laid on the bed, I cried into my pillow.

I heard the door open and someone walk down the stairs and sit on the bed.  “Liv what happened” I was shocked to see harry sitting on my bed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I saw you run out and wanted to check on you” Harry said.

“Thanks” I said.

“Now what’s wrong?” Harry asked again.

“Matthew he cheated on me” I said crying some more.

“I’ll kill him” Harry said standing up.

“Harry calm down its okay” I said.

“No it’s not” Harry said.

“Why are you getting so mad” I said standing up and facing him.  Before I knew what was happed Harry crashed his lips onto mine, I kissed him back.  BAM!  Sparks flying everywhere

We pulled away and Harry said “Because I love you”


“I know I’m stupid it’s just I had to tell you” he interrupted me.


“I know leave you alone, you don’t feel the same” Harry said.

“Harry you idiot I love you too” I said kissing him on the lips again.  “Now I’ll see you soon” I smiled.

“See ya slut” Harry said.

“Bye man whore” I said, Harry walked upstairs and shut the door behind him.  I smiled to myself and then walked upstairs and into the living room. 

“I think your babies missed you” Perrie said.

“They kept staring and looking around” Perrie added.

I walked over to their playpen and looked at them, as soon as they saw me they both smiled.


The next day I woke up, quickly took a shower before the babies woke up. I put on a hot pink crop top and white shorts, and then I slipped on a pair of pink toms.  I woke the babies up, fed and changed them.

I walked upstairs and put the twins in their playpen.  I walked into the kitchen where Perrie was eating an apple.

“Hey sweetie” Perrie chirped.

“Hi” I mumbled still tired.

I fixed myself a bowl of cereal and quickly ate it.  “Ready?” Perrie asked.

“Yup” I said standing up and grabbing the babies.

*One long plane ride later*

Perrie pulled up outside of Angela’s home for girls.  I got out and undid the twins from their car seats and picked them both up.

Perrie walked in the building and I followed her.  “You must be Olivia” this lady said walking up to me.

“I’m Angela” she said.

“This is Mia and Mya” I said.

“Awh how cute” Angela cooed.

“Sophia, Olivia is here” Angela called, down walked a girl that looked exactly like me.

“Woah it’s like looking in a mirror” Sophia said.

“I know right” I agreed with her.

“This is scary” Perrie said.

“So are you adopting her?” Angela asked.

“I don’t know” Perrie said.

“Please Perrie” I begged.

“Okay, I’ll adopt her” Perrie said.

“Oh and meet Mia and Mya” I said.

“Are they yours?” Sophia asked.

“Yes, I was raped” I said.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry” Sophia said.

“It’s okay” I said.

“I can’t believe we’re finally reunited” Sophia said.

“Me either” I said.

“I actually forgot I had a twin” Sophia said.

“OMG me too” I squealed.    Sophia laughed.

“Ready to see your new home?” I asked.

“Of course” Sophia squealed.

“Do you take dance?” I asked her.

“Yes since I was little” She said.

“Omg me too, you can be in the team with me” I squealed.

“That would be awesome” Sophie squealed.

“Mia, Mya meet your Aunt” I whispered.

“Do you want to hold one?” I asked Sophia.

“Yes” she squealed, I laughed and handed her Mia.  Mia smiled in Sophia’s arms and Mya smiled in my arms.

“I think she likes you” I said to Sophia.

“They look just like you” Sophia said.

“They look just like us, we are twins ya know” I said.

“True” Sophia laughed.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now