Ch. 38 Holly

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The next day I woke up and got dressed in skinny jeans and a purple top. I put a little makeup on and threw my hair in a messy bun. I  slipped on my purple converses and grabbed my three bags.

I walked into the living room. "Let's go" I said walking past everything, I walked over to Harry's car and ut my stuff in the trunk, I got in the passenger seat and Harry got behind the wheel.

We rode in scilence for the three hours until we puilled up outside.  "I'm really sorry" Harry said.

"Save it for someone who cares" I said getting out, Harry helped me by caring two of my bags and I carried one.  We wlaked inside and we were greeted my a woman.

"Hello I'm Alissa, you must be Olivia" Alissa smiled.

"Yea I am" I said.

"Well I'll take those from you and show you to your room" Alissa said taking my bags from Harry.

"I'm really sorry" Harry said.

"Like I said before save it for someone who cares" I said, I followed Alissa down this hallway and we came to the last door on the right and she opened it.  There was another girl in there laying down on a bed.

"This is Holly, your room mate, unpack, I'll check on you two later" Alissa said setting my bags on the floor, I grabbed them and walked in shutting the door behind me.

I unpacked all my clothes in the dresser taht was by my bed.

"Your name is Olivia right?" Holly asked me.

"Please call me Liv" I said.

"And you can call me Holl, Holl-bear, or of course Holly" Holly smiled.

"I think I like Holl-bear" I said.

"Okay good me too" she smiled.

"So what are you here for?" I asked her.

"Anorexia and cutting" she said.

"Me too" I sighed.

"How long have you been here?" I asked her.

"About a week" she said.

"Oh" I said.

The door opened and Alissa walked in.  "Group therapy is starting, I'll walk you two down there" she said, me and Holly got up and walked with Alissa to this room.

Me and Holly walked in and took seats beside each other, soon there were 5 other girls in here and we were in a circle of chairs/

"Looks like we have a new face, I'm Amy" Amy said.

"Olivia" I said.

"Well let's introduce ourselves and tell her why we're here" Amy said.

"I'm Abby and I have binge disorder" an obese girl said.

"I'm Mckenzie and I'm Bulimic" A girl who looked to be of normal weight said.

"I'm Amelia and I have Binge disorder" another obese girl said.

"I'm Amanda and I'm bulimic" another girl who looked to be of normal weight said.

"I'm Danielle and I'm anorexic" a really skinny girl said.

"And I'm Holly and a anorexic" Holly said.

"I'm Olivia and I'm anorexic" I said.

"Why don't you tell us your story" Amy said, I shook my head no.

"Well why don't we go around and everyone tells their story" Amy said.

"Abby you start" Amy said.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now