Ch. 32 Party

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We all walked in and I was handed a red solo cup, followed Alley over to this group of people that were sitting in a circle on the floor.  “Hey guys this is Liv” Alley said.

I sat down beside Alley and Harry sat beside me.  “Liv this is Tessa, Angel, Savannah, Jacob, David, and Ethan” Alley introduced, I took a sip of my beer. 

“Let’s play truth or dare” Alley yelled.

“Okay” everyone said.

“Well since your new Liv you start” Jacob said.

“Truth or dare” he asked me.

“Truth” I said.

“Is it true that you’re still a virgin?” he asked me.

“Nope” I said.

Everyone had a turn and then it was my turn again “Liv truth or dare?” Alley asked, I took a sip of my beer and said “dare”

“I dare you to kiss Harry” Alley smirked; I gave her the death stare and turned to Harry. I pressed my lips lightly to his and we kissed.  I felt the fireworks, I miss Harry I really do but I can’t let him treat me like I’m nothing he has to learn his lessen.

I pulled away and smiled.

A couple hours later and everyone was drunk out of their minds.  “Liv, your drunk come on let’s go find you a bedroom so you can get some rest” Harry said.

“No I’m a big girl I can do what I want” I slurred.

“Come on” Harry said yanking my arm I followed him up the stairs and into a room.  “This is my room, I just joined here when I moved out of your place” Harry said.

H e locked the door and I sat on the bed.  I jumped up and kissed Harry with all my heart.  I never need to drink I’m losing my mind. Harry kissed back of course and I tried to take his shirt off but he stopped me.

“You’re drunk I don’t want to take advantage of you” Harry said.

“You aren’t I want to” I said kissing him again but he pulled away.

“No this is the beer talking lay down and go to sleep” Harry said. 

“But I don’t want to” I pouted.

“But you have to” Harry said.

“Grrr” I growled at him.

“Come on” Harry said, I shook my head.

“You’re so hard to get along with” Harry complained.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now