Ch. 40 My Life is Finally Complete

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It's been five months since I've been here, the twins are two now and I miss them like crazy.  Me and Holly were currently in our room laying on my bed.  "Hey guess what?" Holly asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Today is family day our families and friends get to come" Holly smiled.

"Really" I asked.

"Yep, I get to meet your kids" Holly exclaimed.

"Awesome, well we might want to go to breakfast" I said.

"Yea, probably" Holly said.  I was wearing yoga shorts and a tank top, my hair was in a messy bun and I only had a little makeup on.

We walked to the cafiteria and sat in our usual seat. "Are you excited about family day?" Danielle asked.

"Totally" me and Holly said at the same time.

"You two have been hanging out too much" Abby said.

"Well we have been living with each other for the past five months" I said.

"You two are just alike I swear" Amanda said.

"Thanks I guess" me and Holly both said.  We finished our food and me and Holly got up and walked back to our room.  As soon as I opened the door I screamed, sitting on my bed was Harry, Sophia, Mckala, and my two babies.  

I ran up and hugged all of them, I let go and looked at my two babies, they have grown up so much.  I picked Mia up and swung her around, I stopped and hugged her tight to my chest. She giggled and I put her down, I did the same with Mya.

"Mommy" they screamed after I had set them down.

"Hey babies" I said, I looked over at Holly and saw that she was talking with five people, I'm guessing her mom, dad, boyfriend, brother, and sister.

I looked at Harry and saw he was smiling. I went up to him and kissed him on the lips, I pulled away and said "thanks for sending me here"

"You don't hate me?" he asked.

"Of course not" I said.

I looked over at Sophia and Mckala and hugged them again, we let go and I smiled "I missed my sister and my bestfriend" I said.

"We missed you too" they said.

"And this is my new bestfriend" Holly said pulling me over to her family "Family this is Liv, Liv this is David my boyfriend, Sally my mom, Andrew my dad, Melissa my sister, and Joshua my brother" Holly said.

"Nice to meet you all" I smiled.

"And guys this is my new bestfriend Holly, Holly this is my boyfriend Harry, my sister Sophia, my bestfriend who is like a sister to me Mckala, and my two miracles Mia and Mya" I said picked Mia and Mya up.

"Say hey too Holly" I said.

"Hey Howwy" they said.

"Hey Mia and Mya" Holly smiled.

"Guess what?" Sally said.

"What?" Holly asked.

"You two are getting out of here today" Harry exxclaimed.

"Really?" me and Holly both asked.

"Really" David said, I saw Holly run over and kiss him on the lips, Harry walked up to me and gently placed his lips on mine, I kissed him back. We pulled away and he said "you better pack" I smiled and set the twins down.

"Oh and we have one more surprise for you two" David said.

"What?" Holly and me asked.

"We bought a house beside of yours we're going to be neighbors" David said.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now