Ch. 17 "I'm sorry but I q-"

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It’s been a couple of days since I met Sophia and we’re back in England now.   “You have dance today” Perrie reminded me.

“Crap” I yelled, I ran down to the basement, put my sports bra and shorts on, then threw my hair into a pony tail.

“Want to come?” I asked Sophia.

“Sure” she said, I picked the twins up and we walked to my car. I put them in their car seats, good thing their diaper bag was already in the car.

I drove to the dance studio and quickly got the twins out, Sophia grabbed the diaper bag for me and we walked inside. I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Brooke or Matthew.

I walked into the room and set the twins in their playpen that was now in here.  I saw Brooke and Matthew talking, I walked up to them.  “How could you” I yelled, causing my whole team to look at us.

“How could I what?” Brooke said innocently.

“You know what you did, you helped my boyfriend well ex-boyfriend cheat on me” I yelled.

“SO a man has needs” Brooke said.

“Wow I thought you were different, but I was wrong you’re a slut” I said, tears threatening to fall.

“Is everything okay?” Ashley asked walking into the room.  I shook my head.

“I quit this team” I said.

“No you can’t” Hannah said crying.

“Please don’t leave” Alexis begged.

“I’m sorry but I have to” I said.

“Please don’t let us down” Jasmine begged.

“I’m really sorry everyone I just can’t do this anymore” I said, I looked at everyone’s faces to see tears flowing down their cheeks, except Matthew, Brooke, and Caleb.

“Goodbye” I said, I picked the twins up and then everyone except Matthew, Brooke, and Caleb ran up and gave me a hug.

I pulled away from everybody “I’m sorry” I said before me and Sophia walked out of the room and to my car.  I put the twins in then got behind the wheel.  I broke down crying right then and there. 

“Sis, are you okay?” Sophia asked.

“Honestly no” I said.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Its way too complicated and I don’t need to bring you into this mess, that is my life” I said, I started the car and drove back to the house.

I got the twins out and walked into my house and straight to the basement, I set the twins in their swing and I laid down on the bed. I let more tears out.  I heard the basement door open and in walked Harry.  I jumped up, ran and hugged him.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now