Ch. 51 Zoo

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"Hol-bear come with us" I said.

"Okay, come on Matthew" Holly said.

"Yay" the kids squealed.

"We'll be back soon" I said.

"Okay babe" Harry said, I pecked Harry on the lips and then I followed Mia and Mya out.  "Their so happy" Holly said as we walked with the kids to the park.  I had already texted everyone that we were going to the park and they said that they would be right out.

We got to the park and Mia, Mya, and Matthew ran off to play with the other kids.  Everyone was already here "Be careful" I called after them, I walked over to all the moms.

"Hey Liv, hey Hol-bear" everyone said.

"Hey" me and Holly both said.

"So, I adopted a little boy today" I said.

"Awh how old?" Chelsea asked.

"6" I said.

"I wanted him to be close to Mia and Mya's age but not exactly their age" I said.

"What's his name?" April asked.

"Andy" I said.

"When do we get to meet him?" Emily asked.

"Maybee tomorrow" I said.

"Awesome" Emily exclaimed.

"I think that Mia and Mya are going to be tom boys" I said.

"Yea me too" Holly said.

"All they hang out with are boys" I said.

"I know, but all this neighborhood is, is boys" Lydia said.

We talked for a while and then everybody slowly left until it was only me, Emily, and Holly.

"So, Liv Hol-bear do you want to go to the Zoo with me and Noah tomorrow?" Emly asked.

"Of course, Mia and Matthew can ride with you and Noah and then Mya and Andy will ride with me and Hol-bear" I said.

"Okay, I'll meet you at your house at 9 in the morning" Emily said.

"I'll be at your house then too" Emily said.

"Awesome see you peeps then" I said.

"Come on Mia and Mya" I yelled. They ran up to me.

"Come on Matthew" Holly yelled.  He ran up to us also.  

I walked to my house and Holly walked next door to her house.  I walked in the house with Mia and Mya. 

Harry was sitting on the couch.  "Hey babe, I'm taking the kids to the Zoo tomorrow with Emily and Holly" I said.

"Okay" Harry said.

"Where's Andy?" I asked.

"In his room watching TV" Harry said.

"Okay" I said. I walked into his room with Mia and Mya following me. Andy was watching Sponge Bob.

"Hey kiddo" I said.

"Hey" he said.

"How would you like to go to the Zoo tomorrow?" I asked.

"I would love that" Andy exclaimed.

"You three can go in the backyard if you want" I told them, they ran out of Andy's room and out the backdoor.                                          

The next day I got up, Harry was still asleep and walked over to the dresser, I put on a green crop top and blue jean bootie shorts. I put on some makeup and threw my hair into a messy bun.

I walked into the twins room and got them up.  I laid them out matching green shirts and blue jean shorts.

I then walked into Andy's room and woke him up.  I laid him out a green shirt and blue jean shorts. 

We were all matching, it was adorable.  The doorbell rang, so I walked up to the door and opened it.    "Hey babe" Holly smiled.

"Hey Hol-bear, Hey little man" I said.

"Hey Aunt Liv" Matthew said.

"Come on in" I smiled, we all walked into the living room. Mia, Mya, and Andy walked in.  The doorbell rand again.

"Hey Liv" Emily exclaimed.

"Yo my nigg" I said in a ghetto accent.

"Hey my little"

"Liv" Emily warned.

"I was going to say my little man" I said.

"Well let's blow this joint"Emily said.

"Mia and Matthew, you're riding with Noah and Emily" I said, Mia and Matthew ran up to Emily and hugged her, they all walked out and got in Emily's car.  I walked out with, Mya, Andy, and Holly.  We all cliimbed in my car and I started the car up.

 We arrived at the Zoo and we all got out of my car, Emily parked right beside us.  Andy and Mya ran up to Mia, Matthew, and Noah.

Me and Holly walked up to Emily "Kids you best get your little behinds back here and hold our hands" I said.  Mia and Mya walked up and grabbed my hand, Matthew took Holly's hand and Noah grabbed Emily's hand.  

We walked inside the actual Zoo "kids where do you want to go first?" Holly asked.

"Cheetah" Mya yelled.

"Cheetah for the win" I laughed.  

We walked around the whole Zoo and then started to walk back to the cars. Andy and Mya climbed in the back.  I got behind the wheel and Holly got in the passenger side.

We arrived back at my house.  We all got out, Holly got Matthew and then they walked to her house.  I got Mia and Emily pulled out and headed back to her house.  I walked inside and Mckala, Blake, Harry, and Conner were all sitting on the couch.  

"Aunt Mckala" Mia and Mya yelled and gave Mckala a hug. They also gave conner a hug.

"Mckala meet Andy" I introduced.

"Hey Andy I'm your Aunt Mac" Mckala.

"Hey" Andy said.

"Aunt Mac can Conner play in the backyard with us?" Mia asked.

"Sure just be careful" Mckala said. 

"Come on Andy" Mya said, all the kids ran out to the backyard and I sat on Harry's lap since there was no more room on the couch.

"So how was the Zoo" Harry asked.

"Awesome" I smiled.

"Did Andy have fun?" Harry asked.

"I'm pretty sure he loved it" I said.

"Well that's good" Mckala said.

"I know I feel glad that we can give him a good home" I said.

"Me too" Harry smiled.  I turned around and kissed Harry on the lips. We pulled away and I smiled.

"I love you so much" I said.

"Well that is why we're married" Harry said.

"True" I laughee.

My family is complete now, I have the perfect husband and three beautiful children.


A/N: THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The sequel is up, it's called The Story of My Life.  Go to my profile to find it.  Thanks to all my readers y'all are beyond amazing. 

~Love y'all Morgan~

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now