Ch. 50 Andy

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Its been three more months, the twins turned three last month. 

"Harry I want to adopt a kid" I said.

"Liv, you're only 18" Harry said.

"Almost 19" I said.

"I know I just don't want another kid right now" Harry said,

"Harry I was one of those kids, that thought I was never going to get adopted and I would be there until I turned 18" I said.

"I know I just don't think we need another kid right now" Harry said.

"Fine" I grumbled.

*2 years later*

It's been two more years, Mia and Mya are now 5.  Mckala's baby boy, Conner is now two.  Me and Harry got married 1 1/2 years ago. Mckala and Blake got married a year ago.  Holly and David got married a year and a few months ago.  Sophia and Alley moved to the U.S.  Mia and Mya are in kindergarden now.  Mia and Mya are tom boys, all of their friends are boys.  Noah, Matthew, Mason, Ryan, Jackson, Aiden, Tyler, and Ethan are all in Mia and Mya's kindergarden class.  I am 21 now and me and Harry are going to an orphanage.  It's Saturday, so the twins are going with us.

"Mommy, daddy" Mia and Mya yelled running into mine and Harry's room and jumped on the bed.

"We're up" Harry yelled, the twins climbed off the bed.

"Mommy are we gonig to get a sister or brother?" Mia asked.

"I don't know what do you want?" I asked them

"A brother" they yelled.

"Maybee" I laughed.

"Come on let's go get you two dressed" I said getting out of bed and following the twins into their room.   

"Do you want to match or no?" I asked them.

"Macth" they yelled, I laughed and pulled out matching blue shirts and blue jean shorts.  It was summer now.  "Put this on I'll be in my room getting ready" I said.

"Okay mommy" Mia and Mya said, I smiled and walked back into my room.  Harry was getting dressed.  I got dressed in a pink top and blue jean bootie shorts.

I threw my hair into a messy bun and walked into the kitchen, Harry was making pancakes.

"It smeels good in here" I said.

"Mommy mommy mommmy" Mia yelled I opened my arms and spun her around,

"Mia Mia Mia" I said putting her down.  "Okay food is served" Harry said placing a plate in front of Mia and Mya.

"I'm not hungry" I said.

"Okay" Harry said sitting down at the table.

"I'm going to go put some makeup on" I said.

"Babe you're beautful without makeup on" Harry said.  I laughed and kissed his lips I pulled away and said "Yea I'm still putting makeup on" I walked into mine and Harry's bathroom and put on my makeup.  I walked back out and saw everyone was already done eating,

"Ready to go?" I   asked.

"Yup" Harry said.

"Daddy carry me" Mya said, Harry picked Mya up.

"Mommy I want a piggy back ride" Mia said, I bent down and she jumped on my back.

Me and Harry walked out to the car and I set Mia down.  Mya and Mia climbed into the back seat.  I got in the passenger side and Harry got behind the wheel.  We drove to the orphanage and we all got out.

"Mia, Mya hold either mine or daddys hand" I said.  Mia grabbed my hand and Mya grabbed Harry's hand.

We walked inside and a lady walked up to us.  "Hello I'm Sarah, you must be Olivia" Sarah said,

"Yep thats me, this is Mia and Mya, and this is my handsome husband Harry" I said.  Mia tugged on my shorts and I picked her up.

"So what age are you looking for?" Sarah asked,

"Um" I said.

"We would like a 6 year old boy" Harry said,

"Okay right this way" Sarah said, we walked up a flight of stairs and down a hallway.  She stopped in front of a door.

"We only have two 6 year olds" Sarah said opening the door.  There were two little boys in there watching TV.

"This is Andy and Alex" Sarah said,

"I'll leave you to it, tell me which one you're adopting, I'll be downstairs" Sarah said, we nodded and she walked away.

I set Mia down, her and Mya ran up to Andy.  "Hey I'm Mia and this is my twin Mya" Mia exclaimed.

"I'm Andy" Andy said. 

"Mia, Mya do you like Any?" I asked.

"Yes mommy" Mia and Mya said.

"Andy how would you like to come home with us?" I asked him.  

"I would love that" Andy exclaimed.

"Pack your bags you just got adopted" I said.

He ran up and hugged me and Harry.  "Come on girls, we'll be right back" I said.  Mia held my hand and we all walked down to where Sarah was.  "Which one are you adopting?" she asked.

"Andy" I said.

"Good choice" Sarah laughed,

"Fill these out" she said handing Harry a stack of papers.  We filled them up and in walked Andy with a suit case. We had Mckala and Holly go buy him clothes and to set up his room. 

"Come on Andy" I said.  We all walked out to the car, the kids climbed into the back, I got in the passenger seat and Harry got behind the wheel. 

We drove back to our house and we all got out.  Harry grabbed Andy's bag and then we all walked inside.

Sitting on the couch was Holly, David, and Matthew.  "Um how did you get into my house?" I asked. 

"Aunt Holly" Mia and Mya ran up and hugged Holly. "Mommy can we go to the playground?" Mia asked.

"Harry can you get Andy settled in, I'll take them to the park" I said. 


A/N: Sorry that I skipped two years, I just wanted Mia and Mya to be older.  Also that's Mia and Mya on the side, Mia is on the right and Mya is on the left.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now