Ch. 48 Kidnapped

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The next day I woke up and just laid in bed.  I turned the TV on and turned it to Dance Moms. The door opened, I looked and saw Josh and Holly.

"Here's breakfast" Josh said holding out a plate with bacon and eggs on it.  I just shook my head.

"Your not going to stop talking again are you?' Josh asked.

"Come on talk" Holly begged, I jjust stared at them, they both sighed and walked away closing the door after them.  i curled up into a ball on the bed and just laid there.

Where are my babies?  Are they okay?  I miss them so much?  Why does bad stuff always happen to me?

The door opened but I didn't bother to look and see who it was.  "Their okay" I looked up and saw Josh.

"They're okay, Mia, Mya, and Matthew are okay" Josh said.

"They're actually here but you can't see them Holly is watching them" Josh said, I just stared at him. He left the room and closed the door.'

I laid my head back down, they're okay, they're okay and Holly is watching them, they're in good hands.

*Mckala's P.O.V.* 

*2 month later*

It's been a two months since Olivia and Holly have been kidnapped.  We were all sitting in the hotel room and by all  I mean, Harry, Blake, David, Alley, me, Sophia,Sabrina, and Savanna.  

"Where could she be" Harry asked.

"The police are on the case, we just have to be patient" I said.

"It's been two fucking months" Harry yelled.

"Who knows what that dick Adam could have done to her" Harry said.

"We all need to calm down, the police will find them" I said.

*Olivia's P.O.V.*

Its been two months since I've been kidnaped. Adam beats me everyday, I don't talk or eat.  Josh and Holly try to get me to eat but I always shake my head no.  I stay curled up in a ball all day and I've picked up cutting again.

The door to my room opened I figured that it was Adam but when I looked up it was Josh. "I'm really sorry about all of this" he said, I just stared at him.

"Adam wants you in his room" Josh said, I got up and wlaked to Adam's room. "Lay on the bed" he demanded. I knew what was going to happen, I laid on the bed and Adam walked towards me.

I was just raped by Adam, he walked away and I qquickly put my clothes on and then walked back into my room.  

I collasped on the bed and started crying, I couldn't stop crying.

*Holly's P.O.V.*

I was currently in Josh's room sitting on his bed, the door opened and in walked Josh.  "How is she?" I asked.

"Bad, she still won't eat or talk" Josh said.

"She's so broken" I said.

"She can't live like this" I added.

"I know but what can we do?" Josh asked.

'We have to get her out of here" I said.

"She's 18 now" I added.

"I didn't know" Josh said.

"Today's her birthday" I said.

"Oh no and Adam is going to" Josh stopped.

"Going to what?" I asked.

"Rape her" Josh said.

"This might just break her totally" I said.  I heard crying and walked into the room where the twins were, I changed their diapers.

"I want my mommy" they both cried.

"Shhh mommy will be back soon" I said.  

"No I want her now" Mia said.

"I'm sorry" I said.  I set them down. 

"Play with your toys" I said, they listened and started to play with their toys.


A/N: Sorry that this chapter is so short. Me and @Loving_on_Niall are making a new fan fic on a new account.  @_We_Love_1D check it out please and tell us what you think about it, thanks.

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