Ch. 36 "Your Safe Now"

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It was time me and Sophia ran out to my car and put the twins in.  I got behind the wheel and Sophia went and got in her car, we waited for Niall to come out with Olivia. 

*Niall's P.O.V.*

I walked intovOlivia's room, she was curled up in a ball sleeping on the floor. I walked over to her and picked her up bridal style.  I tip toed all the way out of the house and walked up to Sophia's car, I put Olivia on the backseat and I got behind the wheel, Sophia was already in the passenger seat.  Olivia was still sound asleep.

"We did it" Sophia said.

"Yes" she cheered.  I laughed and pulled out of the driveway. 

I drove for about an hour and then Sophia asked me "where are we going?" 

"Olivia's house, yiur dad and Adam don't know where that is only we do" I said.

"Okay" Sophia yawned. 

"Just go to sleep we'll be there soon" I said, Sophia nodded.

About four hours later we pulled up to Olivia's house.  I shook Sophia and she fluttered her eyes open "we're here" I said, she smiled and opened the door.  Alley pulled up behind us and got the twins out.  I got out and opened the back door, I picked Olivia up and carried her bridal style. 

Sophia knocked on the door and Mckala opened.  "Oh my god" Mckala gasped.

"Come in come in" she said, we all walked in, Alley walked back to the twins room and I walked into Olivia's room, I placed her on the bed and placed a blanket over top of her.

I clised teh dolr amd walked into the living room where Harry, Blake, Mckala, Nathan and some chick were. Wait why was Nathan here?

"Nathan what are you doing here" Sophia sneered.

"I am friends with her too, me and Skylar flew out as soon as she was taken we've been helping to look for her" Nathan said, so that other chick was Skylar.

"Now when she wakes up don't touch her or get to close, she's going to be scaered no doubt" I said.

We all sat around until we heard a scream, I jumped up and ran into Olivia's room.  She was still sleeping but had her hands over her ears and was screaming.  I walked over and sat on the bed I placed her in my lap and stroked her hair.

"Shhh it's okay" I whispered, I saw her eyes flutter open.  

"Your back home Liv" I said happily, she looked like a sad lost puppy, I got up and stood in the doorway.  "Are you hungry?" I asked her, she just looked at me.

*Olivia's P.O.V.*

"Are you hungry?" Niall asked me, I just loooked at him, I'm still scared of men.

"Well two people want to see you" Niall left the room and soon came back carrying two babies.  "Mommy" they yelled, Niall set them down and they ran up to me, I flinched a little.

"Remember Mia and Mya?" Niall asked.  Who's Mia and Mya?

"Your daughters" Niall read my mind, I just stared at him.

"Well I'll bring you back something to eat, come on girls" Niall said picking Mia and Mya up, they walked out of the room.

Niall walked back in and handed me a plate with a sandwish and some chips. I just stared at him.

"Are you going to eat?" he asked and I shook my head no.

"Your safe now, please eat" Niall begged and again I shook my head.

"Come on Liv please, this isn't good for you" Niall begged again.  I picked up the sandwish and took a bite out of it.

"Thank you" Niall said.

"I'll be in the living room if yiu need me" Niall said walking out of the room.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

I walked into the living room and the twins were crying "there sad that Liv doesn't recognize them" Sophia explained and I nodded.

"Well I got her to eat" I said.

"Really?" Alley asked and I nodded.

"Yes" she cheered and I laughed.  I looked into the kitchen and Harry was sitting at the table, he looked sad.

I walked in there and sat beside him "hey, are you okay?" I asked him.

"I shouldn't of cheated on her, then we would still be together and I could've protected her then none of this would've ever happened" Harry said,

"Harry this is not your fault it's Adam's fault, you didn't know that she was going to get kidnapped, nobody did.  I'm sure she doesm't blame you" I said.

"Yea maybe she doesn't but I love her and it kills me to see her like this at least you can go near her she'll probably hide from me" Harry said.

"Just go try and see" I said.

"Okay" Harry said getting up and walking away.

*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I was laying on my bed curled up in a ball when I heard t,he door open, I looked up and saw Haery walk in.  I missed Harry so much.  I jumped up and ran over to him, I gave him a giant hug and started crying into his chest.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I walked into her room and she looked up, the next thing I know is she's jumping up and hugging me, it shocked me but I quickly recoverd and hugged her back.  I heard her crying into my chest.

*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I stopped crying and pulled away from Harry.  "You're safe now" Harry said, I walked back over to the bed and curled into a ball again, I felt the bed sink and Harry sit beside me. 

Wwe sat in silence for I don't knos how lo'ng until Hary started to get up but I grabbed his arm.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I was getting up when I felt Olivia grab my arm, I turned around and saw that she had fear in her eyes, I instantly knew that she wanted me to stay.  I laid down beside her and she laid her head on my chest.

I started playing with her hair "your safe now, just go to sleep" I whispered kissing the top of her head.

She was fast asleep when the door opened Niall popped his head in and smiled then walked bck out.  I smiled to myself and soon felt myself drifting off to sleep.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now