Ch. 23 Adam

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I was awoken to someone shaking me; I fluttered my eyes open to see Sophia staring at me.  “May I help you” I laughed.

“Adam just called for us to come downstairs for Supper” Sophia said, I nodded and stood up, me and Sophia walked down the stairs and into the dining room, Adam was sitting at the end of the table.  Me and Sophia sat down.

“I’m not hungry, can I please just go back upstairs” I begged.

“Sure” Josh said walking into the dining room, I stood up and walked back to the room.  I went into the bathroom and grabbed a razor, I haven’t done this is in so long, I rolled my sleeves up and cut my wrist.

I made 5 more cuts when I heard the bathroom door open, I looked up to see Adam standing in the doorway, I quickly rolled my sleeves down, but it was too late he already saw them.

“Come with me” he said taking my hand and leading me down the stairs and into the living room.  He sat me on the couch, Sophia and Josh looked confused.

“Want to tell them what I caught you doing?” Adam asked, I looked at my feet ashamed of myself.

“Liv, roll up your sleeve” Sophia said, I rolled up my sleeves exposing the fresh cuts.

“Why did you do this?” Josh asked.

“I’m stressed out and worried about my babies” I said still looking down.

“Look at us” Adam demanded, I looked up and saw all three of them standing in front of me.

“Okay, I understand the new cuts but what about these scars” Josh asked.  I didn’t say anything.  “Tell us” Adam demanded, he smacked me with all his might on my cheek. I felt tears come to my eyes.

“Adam, we want her to tell us, you hurting her doesn’t help any” Josh scolded. I couldn’t take it anymore I ran up to the room and into the bathroom; I locked the door and slid down so my back was against the door, I brought my knees to my chest and cried.

“Olivia please we are trying to help you” I heard Josh’s voice say from outside the door.

“Go away” I said.

“Please Liv” I heard Sophia say.

“No, Leave me alone” I said crying more.

“Just talk to us, we’re not your enemies we’re your friends” Josh said.

I opened the door and looked Josh in the eye “you are not my friend, you took my babies away from me, do you know what that feels like to have your babies taken from you” I yelled.

“I’m not the one who took them” Josh defended himself.

“NO, you didn’t but you probably helped and you kidnapped me” I yelled.

“JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE” I screamed at the top of my lungs, I fell to my knees and broke down sobbing. I felt two hands rub my back.

“I JUST WANT TO DIE AND LEAVE THIS CRUEL WORLD” I screamed through all my tears.

“You don’t mean that” Sophia said.  I stood up and wiped my eyes.

“Yes I do, the only thing I cared about was taken from me, without them I can’t live anymore” I said still crying.

“SOPHIA” I heard Adam yelled, Sophia left the room to go see what he wanted.

I didn’t care that Josh kidnapped me at this moment I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest.

After a straight hour of this we pulled away “I can’t do this” I said.

“Come to my room, we’ll watch some movies to keep your mind off of things” Josh said, I nodded and followed him into his room.  He had a huge TV in here.  I got under the covers and laid down, Josh put a movie in and then laid beside me.

“What are we watching?” I asked.

“You’ll see” he said.

I soon saw the words “The Conjuring” pop up on the screen, I loved scary movies.  I smiled as the movie started.

About half way through the movie I felt my eye lids get heavy, I laid my head on Josh’s chest and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to a cold bed, where’d Josh go?  I heard voices downstairs, I carefully got out of bed and opened Josh’s bedroom door, and him and Adam were talking.

“What are we going to do with her?” Adam asked.

“I will keep an eye on her, but you need to stop hitting her, you’re making her more afraid of us” Josh said.

“Okay I’ll stop hurting her” Adam said.

“Good, let me go check on her” Josh said, I closed the door and jumped into bed.

“I see your awake” I heard Josh say, I sat up and saw him standing in the doorway.

“Breakfast is ready, come on down and eat” Josh said, I shook my head.

“I’m not hungry” I said.

“Come on you have to eat at least something” Josh said.

”Fine” I grumbled, I got out of bed and walked down to the dining room, I took a seat and Josh placed a plate in front of me.  On the plate was 2 pancakes and 3 pieces of bacon.

“Good Morning Olivia” Adam said walking into the dining room with Sophia.

“I said good morning” Adam said a little louder.

“I said good morning you ungrateful slut” Adam yelled, he slapped e across the face so hard that I fell out of my chair.  He started kicking my stomach, and then he punched me in the face twice.  He then went back to kicking me on every inch of my body. I was crying now.

“Adam stop” I heard Josh yell and then Adam was yanked away from me.  “Yea keep crying fat ass” Adam sneered, those words really stung. I ran up the stairs and into mine and Sophia’s ‘room’ I went into the bathroom and grabbed my razor.

I made 7 quick cuts n my wrist, and then I cleaned them up and put band aids on the fresh cuts.  I sat against the door and pulled my knees up to my chest, I cried more, and then there was a knock on the door.

“Olivia” I heard Josh say, every inch of my body hurt so much that I could barely move.

“Go away” I said.

“Please open up” he said.

“No, leave me alone” I said.

“Olivia please” Josh sounded hurt.  I opened the door.

“Olivia I’m so sorry about Adam” Josh apologized.  I just looked at him.

“Please sit on the bed so I can examine you for any broken bones” Josh said.

I sat on the bed and Josh lifted up my shirt to reveal only my black and blue stomach, I winced in pain when he touched it.  “I’m really sorry” Josh said again.

“It’s okay, honestly that hurt worse than being raped” I said.  He let my shirt fall back down.

“I won’t let him touch you ever again” Josh said.


A/N: That's Josh on the side 

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