Ch. 33 "No"

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The net day I woke up, ait was Monday so I had to go to school.  I got out of bed and got dressed in skinny jeans and a pink top.  I slipped on my pink converses and put on some makeup, I then fishtail braided my hair.

I walked into the twins room, they were both up and standing in their cribs.  "Hey babies" I said.  I changed their diapers and then got them dressed in matching violet dresses and put a bow in their hair.

I picked them back up and carried them into the kitchen.  I set them in their highchairs and made bacon and eggs for everyone.  I put the bacon and eggs on 5 plates and set them on the table.  The twins started to dig in and I started to eat also.  Sophia and Mckala walked in and sat down at the table.

"Liv, wanrt to hang out after school today?" Sophia asked me.

"I don't think I have anything going on so sure" I said.

"You know if you don't want to hang out with us all you had to do is say so" Mackala got up from the  table and stoemed into her room, I got up and followed her, I walked in the room and she was sitting on the bed.

"I'm sorry" I said sitting beside her.

"You know you were the first real friend that I had" she said.  

"I know and I'm sorry I guess I just wanted some friends who get what I'm going through and I shouldn't have forgot about you" I said.

"It's okay I understand" she said.  I gave her a hug.

"So where's Blake?" I asked her when we let go.

"He left early to make sure he knew where everything on campus was and how to get there" Mckala said.

"Okay well I really have to go, see you after school" I said, I got up and walked into the kitchen.  I grabbed the twins and walked out to my car, I put them in and I got behind the wheel.

After dropping the twins off I headed over to the school, I parked and got out, after changing I walked into my first class and sat beside Alley.

"Hey want to come over after school?" she asked me.

"I can't, I promised my friend I would hang out with her" I said,

"Bmmer" Alley said.

"I know" I sighed.  Sophia walked over and sat beside me.

"Hey soph" I smiled.

"Hey Liv" she smiled.

After school and after I picked the kids up I headed back home.  I got out and walked inside, sitting on the couch was Blake, Mckala, Sophia, and Harry?  "What's he doing here?" I asked no one in particular.

"We are friends with him, just because you two broke up doesn't mean we can't hang out" Mckala said a little harsh.

"Well I'll be right back" I said, I walked into the twins room and set them on the floor.  They started playing with their toys and I walked back into the living room.  There was no room on tne couch so I sat on the floor.

 "So what are we doing today" I asked.

"What do you want to do?" Mckala asked.

"Well I'm going to the park sing all you want to do is sit around and do nothing all day" I said.

"What about us hanging out?" Mckala asked.

"Next time you want to hang out figure out what we're doing first" I said.  I got up and walked into the twins room.

"Come on we're going to the park" I said, they  jumped up and followed me outside, I held both of their hands while we walked to the park,

I let go of Mya and Mia and they ran off to play with the kids, I walked over to all the moms.  "Hey Liv" Emily smiled.

"Hey" I said just as my phone vibrated.

Unknown Number: I might just have to get you back sooner than I thought just keep a close eye on those little ones.  See you soon.  -Adam

I was frozen in place what did this mean?  "Well we have to go, bye Liv" I heard April say, I waved and watched everyone walk away with their kids.

"Hey Liv" I turned around and saw Alley, what was she doing here?  

"Sweat dreams" she said then a rag was placed over my face I tried to struggle free to no use and soon darkness overtook me.

I wook up with a horrible headache, where was I?  Oh yea I was kidnapped again great!  I tried to get up but noticed that I was tied to a bed.

"Look who finally woke up" I heard a voice say and then I saw Adam walk out of the darkness.

"Nic'e to see you again" Adam smirked.

"Where are they?" I asked Adam.

"Where are who?" Adam asked.

"Don't play dumb with me you know who" I practically yelled.

"Oh those two brats, their fine" Adam said.

"So, why am I here?" I asked Adam.

"Oh this will be fun" Adam smirked.

"Can you untie me?" I asked, Adam walked over and untied me I sat up and Adam sat in front of me on the bed.

"Well to start things off your parents are still alive and are actually helping me" Adam smirked.

"What?" I asked him.

"Yes see I'm your brother and Alley is your sister, our parents didn't want you or Sophia so they made sure you were seperated and gave you up for adoption" Adam said.

"Then when they saw how well you were doing they didn't like it so I was sent to make your life a living hell and now Alley is helping and our parents" Adam smirked,

"Oh and Alley's boyfriend and some of his friends" Adam smirked again.

"No that'a not true" I said tears threatening to fall.

"Oh but it is" Adam said.

"No" I yelled tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry but it is" I looked up and saw two people walk towards me, I was guess this was my mom and dad.

"Why did you give us up for adoption?" I asked them.

"We didn't need anymore kids and you two were just in the way all the time always so loud and crying so we gave you up and once we found out how great your life was we just couldn't have that so here you are" my 'mom' said.

"Why did you choose to take me and not Sophia?" I asked them.

"Well we love Sophia and she loves us, see she was with us for 14 years and then we staged it so she would find you, she's actually helping us" my 'dad' said.

"I'm sorry" I heard a voice say and then Sophia joined my 'parents' and Adam.

"How could you" I yelled tears started flowing down my face.

"Let's just leave her for a while" Adam said.

"Good idea" my 'mom' said.  They left the room, I curled up in a ball and cried until I fell asleep.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now