Ch. 4 Mckala

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It’s been three months, not much has happened in these three months. But today I start 10th grade, I only know Nathan and Blake.  This should be a fun day. I took a shower, did my hair and makeup, then got dressed and put on some jewelry.

I walked out and Perrie and Zayn were sitting on the couch talking, I grabbed an orange, peeled and ate it.  “Umm… sweetie we need to tell you something” Zayn said.

I nodded for him to go on “Perrie leaves for tour today” Zayn said.

“Seriously and leave your family, I was starting to get used to this and then you leave and don’t even tell me till the day you’re leaving” I yelled, tears flowing down my cheeks, good thing I was wearing waterproof makeup today.

“I’m gonna miss the bus, have a nice tour” I said and got in the elevator.  I got out then walked to the bus stop.  The bus came and I walked on, there were a lot of kids on here, I saw Nathan and some guy sitting together then I spotted Blake and some guy sitting together.

Then I spotted this girl sitting by herself, I went and sat beside her.  “Hey I’m Olivia but you can call me Liv” I exclaimed.

“I’m Mckala” Mckala said.

“Can I call you Mac, I like Mac” I said.

“Sure” she smiled.

“Hahaha look the geek made friends with the lame new girl” I looked behind me and it was the guy sitting beside Blake and Blake was laughing along.

“The new girl has a name and it’s Olivia” I said.

“Raise your hand if you care what new girls name is?” the guy beside Blake asked, I looked around and nobody raised their hands, not even Nathan.

I felt tears prick at my eyes; I’ve never been bullied before.  The bus stopped and I ran off only to be pushed down.

“Awh is new girl crying oh and the name’s Matthew by the way” Mathew said, Blake, Nathan and one more guy were with him.

“Caleb” the other guy said.  Matthew kicked me in the stomach followed by Caleb, and then they all walked away.

I saw Mac walk up, she helped me up. “Let me see your schedule” she said, I handed her my schedule and she smiled.

“We have every class together” she said, I smiled.

“Yay” I laughed and we walked to our first class.

Lunch time came fast; me and Mac got our lunch, then walked outside and sat under this tree and ate.  I saw Blake and Nathan walk over to us.  “Did you come to make fun of me, Nathan I’ve known you since I was three and you do this to me?  And Blake, I thought you actually had feelings for me, did you feel nothing when we kissed?” I asked, out of the corner of my eye I saw Matthew and Caleb eating lunch.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now