Ch. 13 I like you

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I walked into the kitchen to see Perrie in there “Hey, what’s for supper?” I asked.

“Jade’s picking up McDonalds” Perrie said.

“Okay, I’ll eat an apple” I said grabbing an apple, I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch eating my apple.  The baby monitor was beside me, just in case they woke up.

“What are you all watching?” I asked.

“We honestly have no idea” Mackenzie laughed.

“I’m sorry” Skylar blurted out.

“Like I said to Mackenzie I can forgive but I can’t forget, just like the person who raped me, I forgive him but I’ll never forget what he did to me” I said.

“And the fact that we were best friends and then you turn on me, that’s was hard to forgive you for but I did” I said.

“I wish we could be friends again” Skylar said.

“Me too Skylar, we’ve been through a lot together but you also made fun of me and I’ll never forget that” I said.  All of a sudden two hands covered my eyes.

“Guess who?” I heard Mckala say.

“Mckala” I said, she undid her hands and I looked up to see Mckala staring at me.

“I haven’t seen you in forever” I squealed.

“It’s been lke two days” Mckala said.

“So, I missed my best friend” I said running up and hugging her.

“I missed you too now get off of me” Mckala said, I laughed but let go of her.

“We moved and now I live right beside you” Mckala exclaimed.

“Yay” I yelled and hugged her again.

“Can’t… breathe” Mckala gasped for air.

I let go of her and she smiled. “The babies are sleeping and are you staying the night?” I asked her.

“If that’s okay with you” she said.

“It is but the babies might keep you up” I said.

“That’s fine, I’ll help you with them” she said. 

“Okay well I’m tired from dance so let’s go ahead and try to get some sleep” I said, Mckala nodded and we walked up to my room.  I laid down on my bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

I woke up several times during the night, it was now 7:30 and we had to leave at 8.  Mckala was already up.  I put on a little makeup, I put on some yoga pants and a t shirt, and then I threw my hair in a messy bun.

The twins woke up and started crying, I fed them, changed them, and then carried them downstairs.  I put them in their swings in the living room and sat down on the couch.

“Are you okay?” Mckala asked sitting next to me, she had an apple in her hand, I took it from her and started eating it.  “Hey that was mine” she said.

“I have been up and down all night, I’m sure it won’t kill you to walk in the kitchen and get another apple” I said, Mckala just looked at me then walked away.  She came back moments later with an apple.

“Mom, can you fix me some cereal” I yelled.

“Sure sweetie” I heard Perrie say, she came in and handed me a bowl of Special K.  I ate it all and Mckala took my bowl and put it in the dish washer.

“Ready?” Perrie asked walking into the living room.  I picked Mya up and buckled her in her car seat, I then picked Mia up and buckled her in her car seat. 

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now