Ch. 27 Neighborhood Moms and Sons

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Surprisingly there were a lot of little kids at this park.  Most of them looked about one or two and a couple looked four or five.

 “Have fun, make friends” I said.

“Okay mommy” Mia said, they walked off, Mia started playing with this little boy and Mya started playing with this other little boy.

“You must be new to this neighborhood” a lady said walking up to me and Mckala.

“We moved in a couple days ago” I said.

“Well in this neighborhood everyone knows everyone” she said.

“I’m April what’s your name?” April asked me.

“I’m Olivia and this is Mckala” I said.

“Well let’s introduce you to the other moms of the neighborhood, we’re all 17 too, you could say this is a young neighborhood” April said, I nodded and me and Mckala followed April to a group of women.

“Awesome I’m 16 almost 17” I said.

“Guys this is Olivia and Mckala, they just moved here a couple days ago” April said.

“I’m Emily” A lady said walking up to me, I shook hand.

“Lydia” I also shook her hand.





“And I’m Rebecca” I shook everyone’s hand.  Here sure were a lot of moms in this neighborhood.

“There are a lot of moms in this neighborhood” I laughed, I looked at Mckala and saw that she was on the phone, she hung up and said “that was my mom, she said we used to live here and I should go check out our old house because we still own it, I’ll see you at home later” Mckala said, I nodded and she walked off.

“So want to meet our sons?” April asked me.

“Sons?” I asked.

“Yes, we all have sons, you’re the only one that actually has daughters” April said.

“And all of our sons are 1” Jasmine said.

“So are my daughters” I said.

“Awesome” Chelsea said.

“This is Mason, my son” April said.

“This is Ryan my son” Rebecca said.

“This is Jackson, my son” Katherine said.

“This is Aiden my son” Chelsea said.

“This is Tyler my son” Melissa said.

“This is Ethan my son” Lydia said.

“And this is my son Noah” Emily said.

“These are my daughters Mia and Mya” I smiled.

“How long are you thinking about staying?” Katherine asked.

“Probably a while, I got asked to go to Queensland school of dance and I think this is a good neighborhood for my girls to grow up in” I said.

“Congratulations” Emily said.

“Thanks” I smiled.

“Well let’s let them get back to playing” April said, the kids went back to playing on the playground.

“So, tell us about you” Melissa said.

“Well I have a boyfriend, I’m a dancer and singer, I was adopted by Perrie, she still lives in England though” I said.

“Why did you decide to move to Australia?” Rebecca asked.

“Just to move around a little” I lied.

“I know when people lie, you can trust us” Emily said, I took a deep breath and told them everything from  getting raped the first time, to getting kidnapped and raped again, and to coming here.

“Oh my I’m so sorry” Chelsea said.

“It’s okay, I’m fine now” I said.

“How can anybody be okay after all of that?” April asked.

“Well I learned to forgive, when I was raped the first time and got pregnant, I was furious for those  months, but then I took one look at my two girls and I wasn’t mad anymore, because I had gotten two miracles out of it and I wouldn’t take that back for anything.  I learned to forgive the person who raped me, but I will never forget what he did, same with the people that kidnapped me.” I said.

“You have a good heart” Lydia said.

“Thanks” I smiled.

I talked with the moms for about 4 hours and then I thought I better get back.  “Well I need to get back” I said.

“Okay, bye nice meeting you” everyone said.

“You too” I said.

“Mia, Mya come on” I said.   They walked over to me and I picked them up.

I walked back to the house and walked inside.  Everyone was here now.  “Hey, how was the park?” Harry asked.

“Fun” I said setting Mia and Mya down, they walked into their room. 

I sat in Harry’s lap.  “Hey how’d it go at the house?” I asked Mckala.                                                                        

“Good, I found nothing actually” Mckala said.

“Oh sorry” I said.

“It’s okay” she said.

“How’d the mall go?” I asked Sophia.

“Awesome” she said, I laughed.  I got off of Harry’s lap and walked into the twins’ room, they were passed out on the floor with their stuffed animals on their hands.  I took out my phone and took a picture.

I walked out and said “Harry come here” he followed me into the twins room.

“Awh how cute” Harry said, I smiled and picked Mia up, I put her in her crib and Harry did the same with Mya.

We walked out and back into the living room, I sat in Harry’s spot on the couch.  “Uh uh up” Harry said, I shook my head and laughed.

“You asked for it” he said, and then he sat on me.

“Harry get your fat butt up” I said.

“Hold on I have to get a picture of this” Mckala said.  Harry was laughing as Mckala took a picture.

“Do you never cuss?” Harry asked.

“I don’t like cussing” I said.

“Why?” Harry asked.

“I just don’t now get your butt off of me” I said.

“Nah I’m good” Harry said.

“Harry” I whined.

“What am I doing?” he asked.

“Oh nothing just sitting on me” I said.

“Oh well if that’s all I think I’ll stay just the way I am” Harry said.

“Harry get yo ass off of me” I said in a ghetto voice.

“Oh so are you ghetto now?” Harry asked.

“Yes now if you don’t get off of me you won’t live to see tomorrow” I said.  Harry jumped off of me and sat on the floor in front of me.

I started playing with his hair.  “Harry can I straighten your hair?” I asked him.

“You do and you die” Harry said.

“I’ll take that as a no” I laughed.

“Yea it’s a no defiantly” Harry said, I laughed.  

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now