Ch. 44 Tour

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It's been another week and today I'm leaving for tour with, Mia, Mya, Mckala, Holly, and Matthew. I took a shower, put a little bit of makeup on, and decided to leave my long dirty blonde hair naturally wavy.  I got dressed in blue skinny jeans and a pink top.  I walked into the kitchen to see the twins in their highchairs and Harry fixing breakfast. 

"Breakfast is ready" Harry said.

"I'm not hungry" I said.

"Liv, please don't start again" Harry said placing the twins food in front of them. 

"I'm not, I'm just not hungry today" I said.

"I just worry about you" Harry said.

"Harry, please don't worry about me I hate people worrying about me, I'm fine" I said.

"What time does the private jet leave?" Harry asked.

"We need to leave right after the twins get done eating and I get them dressed" I said.

"And Holly, Mckala, and Matthew are meeting you there?" Harry asked.

"Yes" I said.

"I'm going to miss you so much" Harry said.

"I'm going to miss you too but we can video chat every day and text" I said.

"I know but there's a time difference" Harry said.

"You just video call me right before you go to bed and I'll video call you in the morning" I said.

"Sounds like a plan" Harry said, I bent down and kissed Harry on the lips.  I pulled away and noticed that the twins were done eating,   I wiped them off and then picked them up.  I walked into their room and set them down.  

I changed their diapers and got them dressed in matching purple dresses.  I picked them back up and walked into the living room.  I had three suitcases and they had two. 

"Ready?" I asked Harry.

"Yea" Harry said picking up the suitcases.  We walked out to the car and I put the twins in their car seats, then I got in the passenger side.

We arrived at the private jet and Holly and Mckala were already there.  I got out and so did Harry, Harry got the bags and put them where they needed to go.

I got the twins out and Harry got out the car seats, he took them on the plane and I walked over to Mckala, Holly, Blake, and David.  Harry walked back to me and took the twins.

"5 minutes" a flight attendent said.

I walked over and faced Harry "I'll miss you so much" I said kissing his lips.

I pulled away and Harry said bye to the twins, I took them and gave Harry one more kiss before walking onto the plane.

"Daddy" the twins started crying.

"Shhh daddy will be back soon" I said, I set them in their car seats and gave them their sippy cups.

I sat down in a seat beside of Mckala.

*One Long Plane Ride Later* 

We arrive in California, I unbuckled my seat belt and stood up "Mac can grab the car seats" I said picking Mia and Mya up, they were sleeping.

"Sure" Mckala said.

I walked off of the plane and over to the limo, Holly put Matthew's car seat in and then put him in it and got in. Mckala put the twins car seats in and I set them in them, I got in and sat in-between Holly and Mckala. 

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now