Ch. 15 "You're not my friend anymore"

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Soon noon came “see ya at dance” Brooke said standing up and walking out the door.  Me and Mckala walked to the nursery.  There were seven other moms in there.

Soon all the moms left and only my two babies were in here “I just fed them and changed them” Mary said.

“Okay” I said just as Matthew walked in.

“Hey babe” he said and kissed my lips.

“Today after I take you home, is it okay if I go over to a buddies?” Matthew asked.

“Sure oh and Mckala’s coming over” I said.

“Okay” he said.

I put Mia in her car seat and Matthew put Mya in hers.  I grabbed the diaper bag and we all walked out.  Mckala squeezed in-between Mia and Mya in the back seat. I got in the passenger side and Matthew got in the driver side.

“Did you get the message that we actually have a dance studio now?” Matthew asked, I shook my head.

“Well we do” Matthew exclaimed.

“That’s awesome” I exclaimed.

We soon arrived at a building; I’m guessing this is the dance studio.  I got Mia’s car seat out and Matthew got Mya’s out.  Mckala climbed out of the car and I grabbed the diaper bag. We walked into this room, where my whole team was.

I picked Mia up out of the car seat and placed her in one of the swings, which were in here, Matthew did the same with Mya.

I ran and stood beside Brooke “It is Friday, tomorrow is competition be here at 9 sharp and Liv don’t bring the babies” Ashley said, I nodded.

*1 month later*


It’s been another month, my birthday was a week ago and now I have my license and a car.  The twins are a month old; me and Matthew are still living in the basement.  Brooke lives next door now, well I live in-between her and Mckala.  Brooke comes over every day and so does Mckala.  All my baby fat is gone and now I’m getting my abs back.  Also school ended about a week ago.

“Matthew I’m taking the babies out I have something to do” I said. It was Saturday so no dance.  I fed and changed the babies.  Then I put them in their car seats, I grabbed the diaper bag and my keys. 

I walked up to the living room “I’ll be back later” I said to Perrie.

“Can I go with you, I hate being stuck in this house” Skylar said.

“You have a license go somewhere” I said.

“But there’s nowhere to go” Skylar said.

“Fine come on” I said.

Skylar stood up and yelled “I’m going with Olivia” I put the twins in my car and then got behind the wheel.  Skylar got in on the passenger side.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now