Ch. 41 Water Park

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I woke up the next day to an empty bed, where's Harry? I got up and walked into the kitchen, there was a note on the fridge that read:

Hey babe you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you, I left to go to school, be back around 3:00.  See you soon. 


The twins were still asleep so I made pancakes for breakfast.  I put them on three plates, then I ate my pancake.  "Mommy, mommy" Mia and Mya yelled running into the kitchen.

"Morning" I said picking them both up and setting them in their highchairs.  There was a knock on the door "be right back" I said.

I opened the door and Holly stood there holding Matthew.  "Hey babe" I said.

"Hey, sorry to come over uninvited but David had school and well I got lonely" Holly said.

"Don't sweat it we're just finishing up breakfast come on in" I said, Holly walked in and set Matthew on the ground, we all walked into the kitchen.

"Mommy I'm done" Mia said.  I wiped off her hands and face then I put her down "Hi Matthew" Mia said.

"Hi Mi" Matthew said, they ran off into Mia and Mya's room.

"I'm done" Mya said, I wiped her off and set her down, she ran into her and Mia's room.

"Let's do something today it's the end of summer, soon no more shorts" Holly said.

"Okay, where do you want to go?" I asked.

"What about that water park for toddlers?" Holly asked. 

"Sure let me get the twins ready" I said.

"And I'll go get Matthew's swim trunks, we can take my van" Holly said.  I nodded and she walked out of my house and over to hers. 

I walked into the twins room and picked out their clothes.  I was in the middle of getting them dressed in matching blue bikinis when Holly walked in, she started undressing Matthew and putting his blue swim trunks on.  I put matching blue shirts and blue jean shorts over their swimsuits.

"Let me pack a bag of towels and snacks" I said, I walked into the kitchen and fixed three sipie cups, two bottles of water, animal crackers and juice.  I walked into the bathroom and got three towels.  I put everything into a bag and placed it on the table.

I walked back in to my room and put my pink bikini on, then a pink crop top, and blue jean bootie shorts on.

I walked back in to the twins room "Ready?" I asked.

"Yup" Holly said picking Matthew up.

"Can you grab the bag on the table?" I asked Holly.

"Sure" she said.

I picked Mia and Mya up and followed Holly out to her van, she put my car seats in for me and I put the twins in the car seats.  I got in the passenger seat and Holly got behind the wheel.

"It's about an hour away" Holly said.

"Okay" I said.

An hour later we arrived at the water park.  We got out and got our kids out.  "I want to walk" Mia whined.  I put her down and held her hand "I want to walk too" Mya whined, I put her down and also held her hand.

"The struggle of having twins" I said, I looked at Holly and she was holding Matthew.

"How do you do it?" Holly asked.

"It's been hard" I laughed, we got our tickets and walked in, I set our stuff on a chair and took the twins cothes off, so they were only in their swim suits, I took my clothes off, so I was also only in my swimsuit.  I looked over at Holly she was wearing a pink bikini and Matthew was only in his blue swim trunks.

I let go of Mia and Mya's hands and they ran off into the water.  Holly let go of Matthew's hand and he ran off towards Mia and Mya.

"Hey, my name is Angel and I'm one of thw workers her, you two relax I'' watch the kids" Angel said.

"Thanks" me and Holly both smiled.

I laid down on a chair and so did Holly, we were going to tan.  "I love tanning" I said.

"Me too" Holly said.

We sat there for about an hour before I decided to get up.  "Come on, let's go play with the kids" I said, Holly got up and we walked in the water and over to where our kids were.  "Okay Angel we've got it from here, thank you for all you help though" I said.

"Your welcome" Angel smiled.  She walked away and I walked up to my kids.  "Are you two having fun?" I asked them.

"Yes mommy" they both said.  I smiled and bent down, I splashed them with water and they started laughing.

About two hours later and me and Holly were ready to go, but we decided to give thek ids a snack first.  We walked over to our stuff and I got out the snacks.  I set the kids on the chair and handed them each a cracker and their sippie cups.

After they ate their crackers and drank their juice, we decided to leave.  I picked the twins up and Holly grabbed Matthew and the bag.  We walked out to the van and I put the twins in, Holly put Matthew in, I got in the passenger seat, and Hollie got in the driver seat.

An hour later and we were at Holly's house "I'll change and give Matthew a bath, then I'll be over" Holly said getting out.

"Okay" I said also getting out, I grabbed the twins and walked over to my house, I walked inside and went straight to the twins bathroom.  I started their bath water and helped them out of their clothes, I set them in the bath tub and started to wash them.

I got them out of the bath and got them dressed in matching pink shirts and blue shorts.  I picked them up and walked back into their room.

"Are you two sleepy?" I asked, they both nodded their heads. I laid them in their beds and covered them up "Sleep well" I said kissing both of their foreheads, I turned on their night lights and turned the main light off.  I walked into the living room just as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I yelled and in walked Holly and Matthew, Matthew looked tired.  "I'll make him a palet in the twins room to take a nap on" I said standing up.

"Thanks" Holly smiled, I walked into the twins room and grabbed a comfortor, I laid it down and it was pretty confey, Holly laid Matthew down on it and I covered him up with another blanket.  I turned the light off and cracked the door.

"Can you watch them while I take a shower?" I asked.

"Sure thing go take a shower" Holly said.

"Thanks" I smiled and walked into my bathroom.


A/N: Hey sorry this chapter is so boring, if any of y'all have any ideas for my story will you please message me them, I need help with more events to add in.  Thank you and if you gie me an idea I'll dedicate that chapter to you.  Thanks a lot. 

Love y'all


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