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Second update :)


Liam took us to Niall’s that night. Sara must have told him everything and I don’t mind. I mean they are supposed to tell each other everything. I just don’t want everyone to know and I’m sure Niall wouldn’t want his friends to know about his parent’s divorce until he was able to tell them.

When we got to Niall’s, his mom had informed us that his dad had left already. I felt bad Niall didn’t get to say goodbye, but Niall said he didn’t care. He said he knew his dad wasn’t leaving for good. He would still see him. That’s when I realized he wasn’t upset that his dad was leaving he was upset because he believed they loved each other. He believed that his whole life and it turned out to be a lie.

His mom welcomed me to stay with him for the night. Niall told me that night that he had told her about everything, about my life and about the breakup. I wasn’t sure why she needed to know but I didn’t question it.

Now two weeks later I understand why he did. He wanted her to know my issues because he wanted her to help.

I still haven’t taken more hours at work and I didn’t start school, but I was promoted. I did more supervising at work and I had more responsibilities. I didn’t have to sit by the paints anymore.

It’s Saturday and Niall is bringing me over to his house for dinner with his mom. I was nervous to say the least. I wasn’t sure why he wanted us to have dinner with his mom. I assume it’s just something he thought was fit while having a girlfriend and I was in no position to know otherwise.

I tried to wear something nice but I didn’t really have anything. My mom said she had a nice dress that she’s had since she was a teenager that she wore to important meetings or events. She let me borrow it.

It was black and it was tight down to my waist and then puffed out, similar to a poodle skirt but not as dramatic.

I put on the normal amount of makeup. I had to start wearing less to stretch it out so I didn’t buy it as often. I just simply brushed my hair, leaving it down.

When Niall picked me up I was even nervous at his reaction. He got out of car and then just sort of stared at me.

"It’s my mom’s." I said, brushing it off as I stood from the bench outside the hospital. "I didn’t know what to wear."

"You’re breathtaking."

"It’s not too much?"

"Not at all, Opal." He picked up my hand and kissed it.

I blushed and giggled. “Thank you.”

We arrived at his house and I could smell the food from the porch as soon as Niall opened the door. His mom hugged me as I came into the kitchen, telling me how nice I looked.

We started eating shortly after and everything was amazing. We talk about her job and found out she knows my mom from the hospital. Niall held my hand underneath the table to reassure me that everything was okay.

Niall was doing well this past week with his dad not being home. He seemed to get along with his mom a lot better with him gone.

When we were finished his mom asked to speak with me about something and I panicked. Niall said he would be there and to calm down but I had no clue what was going on.

We sat in the living room. Niall sat beside me. His fingers laced with mine. His mom sat across from us.

"Opal Niall has told me about everything you’re going through and we both agreed that we would like to help. Now that Mr. Horan is out of the house, I can make this decision." She held my other hand. "We would like to invite you to live with us. You and your mother may live in our guest suite in the basement. It has a small kitchen and a full bathroom. You’d be all set up." I looked at Niall and he nodded. "We feel that this will give you the opportunity to go back to school, one where you’ll be safe. It’s not too bad of a commute for your mom from here."

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