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The edit on the side is mine :)

Two months later. It turns out the third girl never made it. We don't know why or anything but Ruby and I were happy to have the apartment to just the two of us. School was going great. Ruby and I got along very well. We have a lot of the same classes too. That makes things easier.

This weekend Ruby is going to visit Levi at Syracuse University and I have a modeling gig for some magazine spread. It was my fourth big job since I've been here and I'm feeling much better in front of the camera. I think my agent can tell since she keeps having me work.

Niall and I, we're good. He's loving college and he's rooming with Liam. He says he misses me a lot and I miss him too. I try not to think about it too much.

Ruby always tells me that he'll be there when I go home. She likes to be very optimistic about everything and I need a person like her with me here.

Niall calls me every Wednesday night when Liam has a class. It's cute how he always makes sure to call. He said some guys in his dorm think he's full of shit about dating a model. Even after showing them photos.

Ruby told me Niall was hot. At first that made me uncomfortable but I soon realized that's just how she is. I know Niall is hot. I work with male models sometimes and I still only want Niall.

Ruby left this morning and its Friday. I have to be at the studio at six tonight. I went to work out for an hour down in the fitness room of the building. After I came back to the apartment and showered I set myself up in the living room with a blanket and my laptop.

Niall and I had a skype date after his class. I logged in and waited for him to go online. He wasn't long until he called. When his face popped up on the screen, I saw Liam leaving in the background.

"Hi babe." He grinned, sleepily.

"Hey. How are you? Ya look exhausted." I put my laptop on my lap.

"Yeah class was brutal today. I can't sit in one place for that long listening to some boring professor give a shit lecture." He rubbed his eyes.

"Go to bed early tonight then." I suggested.

"Can't I'm going to a party tonight. I'd rather drink." He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "You look good."

I scrunched up my nose and smiled. "Thanks. I just took a shower. I've got work tonight."

"Yeah? Tonight?"

"Yep. Modeling for a magazine spread."

"What magazine?"

"Rolling Stone."

Niall's eyes widened. "What? What celebrity are you shooting with? TELL ME!"

I laughed. "I have no idea."

"Damn, don't fall for some famous guy." He chuckled.

"I would never."

"Good. So where's Ruby at?"

"She left this morning to visit Levi."

Niall nodded. "I wish we were only 3 hours apart." He pouted.

"Me too."

"Are you okay there alone?"

"Yeah. You're forgetting I spent most of my teenage years alone."

"Yeah I know. I'm just making sure, Opal." He ran his fingers through his hair as he sat back in his desk chair.

"You're so sexy you know that?" I playfully bit my lip.

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