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Graduation. I did it. I made it through the last two weeks and I passed. The ceremony was lovely and sort of emotional. Niall had given a speech since he was student council president and he made me tear up.

I was graduating high school and my mom was there to see it. I have friends and my bullies haven't a bothered me in a while. Donna and her friends were charged. It was all going good.

Except the fact, that every time I or anyone else mentioned New York Niall would completely flip moods. He was worse than me when I get my period. I've just decided not to talk about it with him. If someone asks me about it, I'll keep my answers as short as possible when he's around.

I was waiting for the rest of my classmates to have their names called after I sat back down. From where I sat I could see Niall's blonde hair under his cap. He turned and looked between all the head and found my gaze. He shot me a wink and I smiled.

There was a closing speech and we were all able to throw our caps up. I found my cap once we all stood up and the others started finding their families.

"It's over!" Niall yelled, grabbing my waist. "We did it."

I laughed and hugged him tight as he lifted me off the floor slightly. "Let's go find our moms." I pecked his lips.

Both of our moms were crying when we found them. They congratulated us as we hugged them. Niall's dad stood idly by, until Niall offered him his hand. They shook hands and nodded at each other.

"Congratulations son."


He looked at me. "Congratulations, Opal."

"Thank you sir."

He said his goodbyes and weaved through the families to leave. I grabbed Niall's hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

"Dinner to celebrate and then you can do whatever it was you were doing with friends." Niall's mom said, as she led us out of the school.

We went to a fancy Italian restaurant to eat and I was so happy to be out of that huge gown. I felt like a big tent. Niall kept saying how beautiful I looked but I didn't feel it in that thing. Throughout dinner we chatted and laughed. I wondered if it bothered Niall that his dad wasn't with but he seemed much happier once he left.

After dinner we went home and my mom came to me with a present.

"This is for you." She smiled, sitting with me on my bed.

I ripped back the wrapping paper and revealed a new laptop. "How did you afford this?"

"Don't worry about it, honey! You need it for school." She smiled.

"Thank you!" I squealed, hugging her. "I love it! I love you." I kissed her cheek.

She excused herself to finish getting ready for work. I texted Niall to come downstairs.

"Why aren't you ready to party?" He laughed, coming into my room.

"Laptop." I pointed at it as it sat in front of me. "We can video chat when I'm in New York." I smiled until I noticed his frown. "I'm sorry."

He snapped up. "No no. I'm proud of you, don't think I'm not." He sat on the bed right next to me. "You're a model, Opal. That's crazy. You're going to be living in New York, that's even crazier. I'm sad I'll be going from seeing you every day to seeing you maybe not even once a month. I'm just going to miss you that's all."

"I'm going to miss you too." I hugged my arms around his neck. "Let me change and we can go to the party."

I got of the bed and went to the closer. Once I was ready Niall and I walked to his car.

"Don't feel bad about being excited for New York." He stopped outside the car, holding my hips. "You're going to kick ass there, I know it." He pressed his lips to mine. "Make everyone you love proud."


The summer was nearly over; at least it is for me. I go to New York by the end of the week. My mom and I moved out of Niall's mom’s house about two weeks ago. We found a small apartment and with the money we've been saving that I don't need for school she can afford it while I'm gone. Niall's mom said she would help whenever my mom needed it. I'm hoping that once I started getting paid I can help out too.

This week Niall is staying with me so we can spend as much time as possible together. We both quit our jobs at the hardware store and said our goodbyes.

I was packing a few things when Niall finally got to the apartment. It was way nicer than one we've ever had before and it was close to hospital but not in the bad part of town.

I missed living at Niall's but it was good for us to start with some distance. Maura gave us most of the furniture we used at her house to start us off with a warm home. I really appreciate everything she has done for us.

Niall came into my room, dropping his bag at the door before flipping onto my bed.

"I'm almost done packing so we will have the whole week together." I smiled, taping the box closed.

"We'll have the drive there too." He reminded me.

Since I was moving into an apartment with two other models and students, I’m taking a lot of my stuff with me. So, Niall is driving me up and helping me move in. It'll be a long drive but hopefully it won't be too bad.

This week I just had to focus on being with Niall and seeing my mom as much as possible.


I'm trying to update these as often as possible. I won't have many authors notes probably. Until it's closer to the end. I finished that Punk Frat Niall Fanfic I decided to try. It's alright. Once this is over, I will start posting that one. Anyone going to read it?

So just remember to vote and comment :)

Love you ALL! 

-Em xx

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