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Edit on side is mine! 

If you read the last chapter before I edited it, it was the wrong chapter. please go back and read it :)


The last two weeks with Niall were all over the place. At one point he was being jealous because guys at the fashion show were gawking at me and at another point we were all over each other at a party I was invited to. I would get mad at him for being so protective and then we'd make out in public. I was never one to do such a thing and I don't understand what has gotten into him or me for that matter. Perhaps Niall had become protective because he was worried about losing me and then he wanted other guys to know I was his by making out with me and being possessive but for some reason I let him. I wanted him to be this way. It showed me that he did think I was something that wasn't worth losing. I liked it.

Niall had kissed me so passionately on New Years in time square. He had never grabbed me in such a way where I nearly fell over my own feet. He had kissed me hard and long and it was one of those bending me backwards kisses. Like the famous picture of the nurse and the sailor that had just randomly kissed her in celebration of the war ending. That was what it was exactly and no kiss with him before ever felt so powerful.

I guess that means he's not lying when he says he loves me and I've never doubted it but it's a nice reassurance.

I cried the day he left. I cried as we said goodbye and I cried all the way to the point of his call telling me he made it home and then to school. I wished I was with him. He was the only reason I didn't like New York. He was the only reason that would get me leave this place.

Niall was back in school so that meant I'd see much less of him. We argued before he left about what he was doing with his life and instead of my usual "I can take care of you" shpile. I told him that if he doesn't get his shit together we're over. I'm not going to be here if he gives up with school. This way he'll do something.

The day he left we were fine he wouldn't let me go. He held onto me until the moment he had to go. I didn't mind because I wanted to do the same.


4 weeks later

I just finished shooting a commercial and I had finally relaxed in my chair with a blanket. It was nasty outside with dark skies and heavy rain. The lightning was so close I was scared. The thunder vibrated the floor. I picked up my phone and brought a blanket up over me. I dialed and waited for the ringing to stop.

Niall picked up after a few rings. "Hey babe."

I smiled. "Hi it's storming and it's freaking me out."

"So you called me?" He chuckled.

"Yeah you're my boyfriend!" I yelled, playfully.

"What am I supposed to do. Its not like I'm there to hold you and kiss you."

"I can just listen to you talk to me and I'd feel better. Tell me anything what are you doing?" Another crack of thunder rolled.

"I even heard that!" He laughed. "I'm just walking back to my dorm, just got out of class for the day."

"How are your classes going since you changed them?" I asked.

Niall had taken my words to heart when I threatened to break up with him and he decided to take music and business classes. He missed the first week of classes because he. Changed from other classes but his counselor gave him some good advice.

"Good, I'm all caught up and my professors are helping me out. I'm happy you pushed me to figure my shit out."

"I'm proud of you, Ni." The apartment lit up. "You're gonna be a songwriter and finding new artists. Damn look at you!" I laughed.

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