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Double Update :)


Two days ago I had that meeting. I am officially a model. I don't have to go to New York permanently until the beginning of August.

Telling Niall was nerve wracking. I knew he'd be sad, but he was strong and did his best to be happy for me. My mom was ecstatic. She said she would be able to use my college money to get an apartment and I would help her out with money I get from my job.

Today was prom day. We had a half day and Sara took me and Vera to the hair salon and we did each other's makeup. I went home to put my dress on and looked myself over in the mirror.

My mom cried as she watched me get ready. I couldn't stand the tears.

"Mom, stop crying because I'll cry and my makeup will get ruined."

She wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm just so proud of you and you look so gorgeous."

"Thanks you, mom." I smiled. "Do you think Niall will think so?"

"He won't be able to keep his eyes off you, I'm sure." She hugged me, taking my hands in hers.

"I didn't go to my prom. I'm so happy you have the opportunity to go to yours."

I nodded. "I love you." I kissed her cheek.

"I love you honey." She let go of my hands. "Put your shoes on and we'll go upstairs. Some of your friends are here." I sat down and my mom helped with my shoes.

We went up the stairs and my friends cooed and I flipped about their dresses. I heard the guys in the living room causing a ruckus and we girls made our way.

"Woo Niall, looking suave." Zayn joked.

The girls went into the room and Niall's mom called him to come into the hall.

"Niall we need pictures of you and Opal."

His attention was instantly ripped from the commotion that was taking place and he came out into the foyer.

"Wow." He gaped as his eyes trailed over my body. "You look flawless, Opal."

"Thanks." I blushed looking down to the dress. "You look good too."

"Opal and Niall can you stand on the stairs please." His mom asked, nudging me to go towards him. "Just a few photos and then we'll take group ones on the front steps. So if you all want to make your way out there that's fine."

Niall wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and we did the usual prom pose. We also took pictures as I put the boutonniere on Niall's tux jacket. He bent over and kissed me after, making me giggle.

"Did you get that?" My mom asked Maura.

"Yes!" She laughed.

Niall put on my corsage and we posed for a few more photos.

"Can I get a picture with Sara really quickly?" I asked motioning her to me.

Niall stepped off the stairs as Sara stood next to me. We smiled for a picture and complimented each other. Liam and Niall both took our hands to go outside to take a picture with all of the couples and then with the girls and boys separately. A few silly pictures were taken. We all were taking random photos as well.

Niall had come back to me after taking a "Bond" picture with Harry. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, kissing my bare shoulder.

"You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen." He whispered.

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