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Edit Credit to Anyway, enjoy.


It's today. I'm ready. I think I am. I don't really know. If it's meant to happen it will, right?

At school, Niall wouldn't let me go. At lunch he held me close to him, kissing my cheek every so often.

After school he took me home. I set myself up in the living room to do homework.

"When I come home after practice, I'm taking you to dinner to celebrate." He kissed my forehead. "Dress pretty."

"Bye babe."

"See ya later Opal!" He yelled as he ran out the door.

I sat and did homework until about four o'clock. I finished all of that and decided to take a shower. Once I stepped out I dried my body and wrapped the towel on my head. I put on my special bra and underwear and looked myself over in the mirror. If I am ready for tonight, I hope I look good enough. I hope I look sexy. Just wearing these I felt sexy. I put on a dress I borrowed from Sara. I told her about tonight and she said I had to wear it.

It was royal blue and kind of short. It had a sweetheart neckline, Sara said that. And it had kind of thick straps so my bra straps weren't noticeable. After drying my hair and curling it, then doing my makeup I went to check if Niall was home yet.

It was six and he was normally home around then. He would still have to shower and change too.

He wasn't in the kitchen or the living room, I checked out the front window and his car wasn't there. I shrugged and went back down stairs to watch TV and kill time. I laid down and curled up with a pillow.

"Opal?" Someone shook me awake.

"What time is it?" Stretched and rolled onto my back looking up.

"It's nine." Niall sighed.

"NINE?" I say up.

"Yeah, coach wasn't having a good day and the guys were acting like idiots. He kept us late and had us run laps." He came around from the back of the coach and sat next to me. "I'm so sorry Opal."

"It's okay." I said, trying not to sound disappointed.

"No it's not. I would have called but coach would have chewed my head off."

"It's okay." I said again.

"We can still maybe find somewhere to eat?" He suggested.

"No, I think I'm just going to go to bed. We have school tomorrow and I'm sure you have homework to do." I sighed, standing up.

"Babe." He grabbed my hand. "Opal."

I looked at him. "Niall just forget it."

"Don't be mad at me. Please." He let go of my hand and stood up.

"Goodnight Niall." I started to walk towards my room.

"Goodnight Opal. You look beautiful. I'm sorry it was a waste." He slumped his shoulders and walked to the stairs. "Happy anniversary." He trudged up the stairs and shut the door.

I closed my bedroom door and changed, even the bra and panties. I felt horrible. I shouldn't have made him feel bad, but I wasn't happy. I was really sad and disappointed. Tonight was supposed to be one I would remember forever, in a good way. It broke my heart hearing him say my name the way he did.

The next morning I didn't want to go to school. I cleaned off my makeup from the night before, but didn't re apply. I didn't feel like it. I put on my old worn out sweater and a pair jeans. I brushed my hair and ran my straightener through it, making the curls less prominent.

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