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SORRY AGAIN DON'T HATE ME! I've just been really down lately. This may be a tad inappropriate... possibly. I'm trying to be a little less fluffy. So yeah. May be errors.


Throughout break I did a lot of relaxing and being with Sara. When I wasn't, I was working, still my same hours and days. Niall was starting basketball training. His coach said it wasn't mandatory but it was mandatory. I thought that was funny but I guess he was seeing who was really dedicated to the team. The first week back would be tryouts but since Niall was captain he already had a spot unless he messed up.

Christmas was nice. Niall had to spend Christmas Eve with his dad's side, but he was home for Christmas morning before he and his mom went to his aunt’s house. My mom and I stayed at the house and had an early dinner before she had work.

Maybe you may think that's horrible but I find it enjoyable. I had the morning with my boyfriend and most of the day with my mom and they are the most important people in my life so it was perfect. It was, frankly, the best Christmas I've had in a very long time. I don't exchange gifts on Christmas, not anymore anyway. I made that very clear to Niall and he understood. Or so I thought.

"Niall." I sighed when he came into my room after he got home.

"It's not Christmas anymore."

He sat down on my bed and handed me the small box in his hand. I rolled my eyes at him and slowly started to unwrap it.

"Faster!" He whined.

"Niall this is too much." I gazed at the small iPod in my hands.

"No, you listen to the same twenty songs on your shitty phone all the time. I got you that and put a lot of songs I think you'll like on it."

He pushed my hand away as I tried to give it back. "I'm not taking it back so do what you want. Keep it sell it. Whatever."

I sighed "Well, I'm not going to sell it that's rude." I looked down at it. "It really is amazing of you. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Opal." He smiled.

"How was your aunt’s?" I asked crumpling the paper and throwing it in the garbage.

"It was good. My mom mentioned you and then all hell broke loose." He laughed. "I had questions coming from every direction. My mom had to answer some for me."

"That's cute I guess." I shrugged.

"My family is just curious that's all. They did it with all my... Nevermind." He looked away from me and cleared his throat.

"All of your girlfriends. I get it." I stood up from my bed went to my dresser

"I'm sorry Opal."

"No it's okay, just because you're my first doesn't mean I had to be yours." I pulled open my top drawer and took out a small cardboard box.

"Yeah but I didn't have to say that."

I sat back down and set the box on his knee. "Just case you got me a present. Which you did." He grinned and picked it up, taking the lid off. "It's nothing big." He picked the object out of the tissue paper and he held it in his hand. "It's an Opal. When I was little I had a necklace with two stones on it, but it broke. I kept both of the opals."

He looked at me. "You're giving me one?"

"Yeah, you can do what you want with it. I always wanted to put one in a ring so I'm saving to do that with the other stone." He pecked my cheek.

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