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Enjoy! :)


It's been a month since the talent show. We've got finals this week so I haven't been with Niall too much other than at work. When we are at home I go study since I don't have much time to do so. By the last day before winter break I was completely drained. It was a Thursday.

After my last exam I went to all of my classes to check my scores. Once I got to each class I ran out of the school to Niall waiting by his car.

"I passed all my finals!" I yelled jumping on him.

"Congrats!" He laughed setting me down. "I told you you'd be fine."

"Are you guys coming to the party at my house tonight? To celebrate the end of finals." Sara asked, interrupting.

I looked at Niall and he looked at me. "Maybe. Sounds fun." Niall said, shrugging.

"Okay then maybe we'll see you later." She smiled and got into her car.

Everyone else left too and Niall and I went home. We walked into the house and as usual our moms weren't home. I came back up from the basement and searched for Niall. He was upstairs in his room, folding clothes. I laid on his bed and watched him with a grin on my face.

"What's wrong with you?" He laughed, folding his jeans.

"Nothing." I sat up and kneeled on the bed.

He set his clothes basket on the floor and stood at the end of his bed. I walked on my knees to him and grabbed his shirt.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I trailed my hands down.

I bit my lip before kissing him. I ran my fingers through his hair as I stood onto the floor. I let our lips detach so I could pull my shirt over my head.

"Woah, what are you doing? Seriously." He took a step back and I sat down.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Uh y'know..." I looked up at him.

"This isn't how I pictured it." He said sitting down next to me.

"Do I not look the way you thought I would?"

I looked down at my lap and covered my stomach with my arms.

"No! That's not what I mean!" he grabbed onto my waist. "I mean I pictured this would be more special. Not some random day after school." I nodded. "Shit Opal. I'm sorry, I just, ugh. I'm such an asshole." He sighed, clenching his hands on his knees.

I stood up and grabbed my shirt from the floor and pulled it on. I quickly jogged to the stairs and started down them.

"Opal where are you going?" Niall asked following me. "I'm sorry, I do want to have sex with you." I hit the bottom steps and started to run down to my room. "Opal c'mon stop running."

"Stop following me!" I snapped around and our eyes locked. "I'm not mad at you. Just leave me alone for a bit."


"What do you mean no?" I crossed my arms.

"No because I want to talk about it."

"No." I shut my bedroom door.

He banged his hand on it hard. "Opal! Open the damn door. Why are you being like this if you're not mad at me?" He yelled louder. "You want sex!? Fine lets have sex!"

I swung the door open. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm embarrassed okay?" I started to cry. "I'm just embarrassed. I tried to be sexy for you." I sat on my bed. "I tried to make you happy and feel good."

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